
下記の本を著したKate Raworthが表題の論説をガーディアン紙に寄稿している(原題は「Old economics is based on false ‘laws of physics’ – new economics can save us」、H/T Mostly Economics)。

Doughnut Economics: Seven Ways to Think Like a 21st-Century Economist

Doughnut Economics: Seven Ways to Think Like a 21st-Century Economist


The most pernicious legacy of this fake physics has been to entice generations of economists into a misguided search for economic laws of motion that dictate the path of development. People and money are not as obedient as gravity, so no such laws exist. Yet their false discoveries have been used to justify growth-first policymaking.


Except it doesn’t. If we have learned one thing from the emergent crises of recent decades – from the tipping points of climate change and the rise of the 1% to the near-collapse of financial markets – it is that it’s time for economics to ditch the fake physics. Thanks to more and better data, it has become clear that such economic laws of motion simply don’t exist. Far from being a necessary phase of development, extreme inequality and environmental degradation are the result of policy choices, and these choices can be changed. In the place of laws to be obeyed, there are design decisions to be made.
So if the economy is not best thought of as a mechanism that returns to equilibrium and follows fixed laws of motion, how should we think of it? Like the living world: it’s complex, dynamic and ever-evolving. And for economists, that means it’s time for a metaphorical career change: from engineer to gardener. Let’s take off the hard hat and give up on reaching for the economy’s control levers because they simply don’t exist. Instead, put on some gardening gloves, pick up a pair of secateurs, and start to steward the economic garden. And if you think that sounds laissez faire, then you’ve never done a hard day’s work in the garden: it calls for getting stuck in, digging, pruning, weeding and watering the plants as they grow and mature.
How can economic gardeners help to create a thriving economy, one that is inclusive and sustainable and will help to achieve the sustainable development goals? By following two core principles: make it regenerative and distributive by design.
ということで、決まった運動の法則に従い、均衡に戻るメカニズムとして経済を考えるのが最適でないというのならば、どのように考えれば良いのだろうか? 生物界と同様に考えるのが良いだろう:それは複雑で、動的であり、常に発展している。経済学者にとってそのことが意味するのは、技術者から庭師に職業の暗喩を変える時が来た、ということだ。安全帽を脱いで、経済の操作レバーに手を伸ばすことを諦めるべきだ。というのは、そうしたレバーは単純に存在しないからだ。代わりに庭仕事の適当な手袋をはめ、植木ばさみを手に取り、経済の庭を整え始めるべきなのだ。もしそれが自由放任主義のように聞こえるならば、それはあなたが一日の庭仕事の重労働で汗を流したことがないからだ:植物が育ち成熟する過程で、一心に手間を掛け、掘ったり刈り込んだり除草したり水やりをしたりしなくてはならないのだ。
経済の庭師はどのようにして、包摂的で持続可能な繁栄する経済を作り出す助け、持続可能な発展目標を達成する助けとなることができるだろうか? 2つの核心的な原則に従うことになる:再生可能かつ分配的な設計にすることである。