

Gut feelings are tools for an uncertain world. They’re not caprice. They are not a sixth sense or God’s voice. They are based on lots of experience, an unconscious form of intelligence.

I’ve worked with large companies and asked decision makers how often they base an important professional decision on that gut feeling. In the companies I’ve worked with, which are large international companies, about 50% of all decisions are at the end a gut decision.

But the same managers would never admit this in public. There’s fear of being made responsible if something goes wrong, so they have developed a few strategies to deal with this fear. One is to find reasons after the fact. A top manager may have a gut feeling, but then he asks an employee to find facts the next two weeks, and thereafter the decision is presented as a fact-based, big-data-based decision. That’s a waste of time, intelligence, and money. The more expensive version is to hire a consulting company, which will provide a 200-page document to justify the gut feeling. And then there is the most expensive version, namely defensive decision making. Here, a manager feels he should go with option A, but if something goes wrong, he can’t explain it, so that’s not good. So he recommends option B, something of a secondary or third-class choice. Defensive decision-making hurts the company and protects the decision maker. In the studies I’ve done with large companies, it happens in about a third to half of all important decisions. You can imagine how much these companies lose.


That’s a good strategy if you have a business in a very stable world. Big data has a long tradition in astronomy. For thousands of years, people have collected amazing data, and the heavenly bodies up there are fairly stable, relative to our short time of lives. But if you deal with an uncertain world, big data will provide an illusion of certainty. For instance, in Risk Savvy I’ve analyzed the predictions of the top investment banks worldwide on exchange rates. If you look at that, then you know that big data fails. In an uncertain world you need something else. Good intuitions, smart heuristics. But most of economics is not yet prepared to admit that there would be another tool besides expected utility maximization.
それ[データを使った意思決定]は、非常に安定した世界で商売をしているならば良い戦略です。ビッグデータ天文学で長く使われてきました。数千年に亘って人々は驚嘆に値するデータを収集してきましたが、我々の短い人生と比べた場合、天体は非常に安定しています。しかし不確実な世界を相手にしている場合には、ビッグデータは確実性の幻想をもたらします。例えば、「Risk Savvy」で私は、世界の上位の投資銀行の為替予測を分析しました。それを見れば、ビッグデータはうまくいかないと分かります。不確実な世界では別のものが必要なのです。良い直観、優れた経験則、といったものです。しかし多くの経済学は、期待効用の最大化以外のツールがあると認める準備が未だできていません。