

...in the course of the financial crisis, it was said that banks play in the casino. If only that would be true — then they could calculate the risks. But they play in the real world of uncertainty, where we do not know all the alternatives or the consequences, and the risks are very hard to estimate because everything is dynamic, there are domino effects, surprises happen, all kinds of things happen.
So we need to go away from probability theory and investigate smart heuristics. I have a project with the Bank of England called simple heuristics for a safer world of finance. We study what kind of simple heuristics could make the world safer. When Mervyn King was still the governor, I asked him which simple rules could help. Mervyn said start with no leverage ratio above 10 to one. Most banks don’t like this idea, for obvious reasons. They can do their own value-at-risk calculations with internal models and there is no way for the central banks to check that. But these kinds of simple rules are not as easy to game. There are not so many parameters to estimate.
Here’s a general idea: In a big bank that needs to estimate maybe thousands of parameters to calculate its value-at-risk, the error introduced by these estimates is so big that you should make it simple. If you are in a small bank that doesn’t do big investments, you are in a much safer and more stable mode. And here, the complex calculations may actually pay. So, in general, if you are in an uncertain world, make it simple. If you are in a world that’s highly predictable, make it complex.


Can we identify the world in which a simple heuristic, one over N, is better than the entire optimization calculation? That’s what Reinhard Selten and I call the study of the ecological rationality of a heuristic. If the world is highly predictable, you have lots of data and only a few parameters to estimate, then do your complex models. But if the world is highly unpredictable and unstable, as in the stock market, you have many parameters to estimate and relatively little data. Then make it simple.
我々は、N分の1法という単純な経験則が、きちんとした最適化計算より優れた結果を出すような世界を識別することができるでしょうか? それが、ラインハルト・ゼルテンと私が経験則の生態学的合理性の研究と呼ぶものです。もし予測可能性が高く、多くのデータがあって推計すべきパラメータが少ない世界ならば、複雑なモデルを構築すべきです。しかし、株式市場のように、予測可能性が非常に低くて不安定な世界ならば、推計すべきパラメータが多い半面、データは比較的少ないことになります。その場合は、モデルを簡単にすべきです。