ダラス連銀のカプラン総裁が中立金利について小論を書いている(H/T Tim Taylor)。
Despite the fact that judging the level of the neutral rate is inherently uncertain and imprecise, many of us at the Federal Reserve pay close attention to the various models that seek to estimate this rate. The reason is that, despite the relatively wide confidence bands around these estimates, they can provide an indication, albeit imperfect, of whether our monetary stance is accommodative, neutral or restrictive. Making a judgment on the stance of monetary policy is a key part of my job as a central banker.
I use estimates of the neutral rate as part of an overall mosaic of indicators which help shape my overall assessments of current and future economic activity. When looking at neutral rate estimates, I am highly cognizant that there is likely to be significant disagreement between different models, and their outputs can be volatile based on changes in economic and financial conditions. I always keep in mind that these estimates are inherently uncertain and imprecise.
One reason for the uncertainty and imprecision is that potential GDP growth is a key driver of the neutral rate—and this is inherently challenging to forecast.
Each of us around the FOMC table submits quarterly, as part of the Summary of Economic Projections (sometimes referred to as the SEP or the “dot plot”), our best judgments regarding the appropriate path for the federal funds rate and the “longer-run” federal funds rate. My longer-run rate submission is my best estimate of the longer-run neutral rate for the U.S. economy. In the September SEP, the range of submissions by FOMC participants for the longer-run rate was 2.5 to 3.5 percent, and the median estimate was 3.0 percent. My own estimate of the longer-run neutral rate is modestly below the median of the estimates made by my colleagues. My suggested rate path for 2019 is also modestly below the 3 to 3.25 percent median of the ranges suggested by my fellow FOMC participants.
These models differ in terms of their structural assumptions and the data they use to produce estimates of the neutral rate. For example, Laubach–Williams uses data on real GDP, core PCE inflation, oil prices, import prices and the federal funds rate as inputs for their model. This model attempts to estimate an output gap to assess the neutral rate of interest. The Koenig model uses data on long-term bond yields, survey measures of long-term GDP growth and long-term inflation as inputs for its estimates of long-run r*. Giannoni’s model uses a broad set of key macroeconomic and financial data series to generate estimates of the neutral rate at different time horizons.
...While these models produce estimates which can vary widely, they all agree that the longer-run neutral rate of interest has declined over the past several years in comparison with the period 1985–2005.