
Nick Roweが、5年前にここで紹介した考え方を、国際経済という枠組みで再説した。即ち、2つの発券銀行があったとして、片方の発券銀行は自らの銀行券をもう片方の発券銀行の銀行券に交換する換金義務を負うが、もう片方の発券銀行はそうした義務を負わない、という片務性が一般銀行と中央銀行を分かつもの、というのが5年前の彼の議論だったが、その議論を、よりイメージが付きやすい仮想例ということで、カナダ銀行FRBがそのような関係になったら、という形で改めて説明した。そのエントリでRoweは、換金義務を負わない銀行をアルファ銀行、負う銀行をベータ銀行と呼んでいる。

このRoweのエントリにDavid Glasnerが反応し、自分はかねてからRowe貨幣乗数の意義について論争してきたが*1、今回のエントリで貨幣乗数の擁護を試みたRoweは、意図とは逆にその無意味さを図らずも明らかにした、と書き立てた。Glasnerのエントリから引用すると:

So in Nick’s world, the money multiplier is just the reciprocal of the market share. In other words, the money multiplier simply reflects the relative quantities demanded of different monies. That’s not the money multiplier that I was taught in econ 2, and that’s not the money multiplier propounded by Monetarists for the past century.
It’s all about the public’s demand for money, and their relative preferences for holding one money or another. The alpha central bank may or may not be able to achieve some targeted value for its money, but whether it can or can not has nothing to do with its ability to control the quantity of money created by the beta banks that are committed to an exchange rate peg against the money of the alpha bank. In other words, the money multiplier is a completely useless concept, as useless as a multiplier between, say, the quantity of white Corvettes the total quantity of Corvettes. From now on, I’m going to call this Rowe’s Theorem. Nick, you’re the man!


In general equilibrium, it is not helpful to say that Base affects P only via its effect on M. Base affects both P and M simultaneously. Given neutrality of money, the money multiplier must be stable *in the long run*, since M/Base is a real variable. But in the short run, when money is non-neutral, who knows?


Given asymmetric redeemability, there cannot be an excess supply of beta money in the market where it trades for alpha money. But there can be an excess supply of beta money in all the other markets. People cannot wish to hold a different ratio (share) of alpha/beta money than they actually hold. But they can wish to hold a different sum of alpha+beta money than they actually hold. The Law of Reflux ensures the shares of different monies are always in equilibrium against each other; it does not ensure the quantities of different monies are always in equilibrium against goods. If one money is in excess supply against apples, all monies are in excess supply against apples.



*2:cf. ここ