
というエントリをDavid Glasnerが書いている(原題は「Who’s Afraid of Say’s Law?」;H/T クルーグマン)。


The insight of Clower and Leijonhufvud was that in a real-time economy in which trading is routinely executed at disequilibrium prices, transactors may be unable to execute the trades that they planned to execute at the prevailing prices. But when planned trades cannot be executed, trading and output contract, because the volume of trade is constrained by the lesser of the amount supplied and the amount demanded.

This is where Say’s Principle kicks in; If transactors do not succeed in supplying as much as they planned to supply at prevailing prices, then, depending on the condition of their balances sheets, and the condition of credit markets, transactors may have to curtail their demands in subsequent periods; a failure to supply as much as had been planned last period will tend reduce demand in this period. If the “distance” from equilibrium is large enough, the demand failure may even be amplified in subsequent periods, rather than damped. Thus, Clower and Leijonhufvud showed that the Keynesian multiplier was, at a deep level, really just another way of expressing the insight embodied in Say’s Law (or Say’s Principle, if you insist on distinguishing what Say meant from Lange’s reformulation of it in terms of Walrasian equilibrium).

Glasnerはまた、ランゲ版のセーの法則のもう一つの問題点として、バーター経済でのみ成立するとしたランゲの考察に反し、貨幣が存在する場合でも成立し得ることを指摘したEarl Thompsonの論考を紹介している。

In contrast to the naïve assumption of Lange (adopted as well by his student Don Patinkin in a number of important articles and a classic treatise) that there is just one market in the monetary sector, there are really two markets in the monetary sector: a market for money supplied by banks and a market for money-backing assets. Thus, any excess demand for money would be offset not, as in the Lange schema, by an excess supply of goods, but by an excess supply of money-backing services. In other words, the public can increase their holdings of cash by giving their IOUs to banks in exchange for the IOUs of the banks, the difference being that the IOUs of the banks are money and the IOUs of customers are not money, but do provide backing for the money created by banks. The market is equilibrated by adjustments in the quantity of bank money and the interest paid on bank money, with no spillover on the real sector. With no spillover from the monetary sector onto the real sector, Say’s Law holds by necessity, just as it would in a barter economy.

このGlasnerのエントリには、かつて貨幣においてセーの法則が成立するか否かを巡って論争を交わしたNick Roweがコメントを寄せ、金融市場は一つではなく二つ存在するというThompsonの論考にクラワーは同意しないだろう、と書いている。というのは、Roweに言わせれば、すべての市場は貨幣と財の市場であり、Thompsonはその市場群に、競争的な銀行による貨幣と非貨幣(=非貨幣借用証書)の市場を一つ付け加えたに過ぎないからである。その市場では貨幣が創造されるが、それは金本位制下の貨幣と金の市場も同様である。金本位制下でも金価格が低すぎるとセーの法則は成立しなくなるので、金を非貨幣借用証書に置き換えても話は同じではないか、とRoweは指摘している。