
という実証結果を示したNBER論文をMostly Economicsが紹介している。論文の原題は「The Transmission of Federal Reserve Tapering News to Emerging Financial Markets」で、著者はJoshua Aizenman(南カリフォルニア大)、Mahir Binici(トルコ中銀)、Michael M. Hutchison(カリフォルニア大サンタクルーズ校)。

This paper evaluates the impact of tapering “news” announcements by Fed senior policy makers on financial markets in emerging economies. We apply a panel framework using daily data, and find that emerging market asset prices respond most to statements by Fed Chairman Bernanke, and much less to other Fed officials. We group emerging markets into those with “robust” fundamentals (current account surpluses, high international reserves and low external debt) and those with “fragile” fundamentals and, intriguingly, find that the stronger group was more adversely exposed to tapering news than the weaker group. News of tapering coming from Chairman Bernanke is associated with much larger exchange rate depreciation, drops in the stock market, and increases in sovereign CDS spreads of the robust group compared with the fragile group. A possible interpretation is that tapering news had less impact on countries that received fewer inflows of funds in the first instance during the quantitative years and had less to lose in terms of repatriation of capital and reversal of carry-trade activities.

Mostly Economicsは、本文から別の解釈も引用している。

The flipside is that tapering news had less impact of the countries that fewer inflows of funds in the first instance during the quantitative easing years. Yet, these findings are also consistent with a less sanguine interpretation, reflecting financial markets initial inattention to tail risks, overlooking the vulnerability of the weaker emerging markets to the adverse implications of higher future global interest rates. Indeed, in the last quarter of 2013, financial markets re-focused attention on the fragile emerging markets, with depressed financial asset prices of “the Fragile Five,” – Brazil, India, Indonesia, South Africa, Turkey, a sub group of the weaker emerging markets..

Mostly Economicsは、本文からさらに以下の文章を引用し、金融のグローバル化の限界を示すもの、とコメントしている。

In terms of the dynamics of financial markets in robust and fragile economies, it appears that emerging markets with more fragile international positions were also affected, especially the ‘fragile five,’ over periods extending beyond the initial impact effects of Fed tapering announcements. These results suggest that, in the era of financial globalization, emerging market financial markets are not insulated from expected changes in the Fed’s policy stance although it is sensitive to the heterogeneity among countries (Powell, 2013; and Nechio, 2014).
頑健および脆弱な経済における金融市場の動向という点について言えば、国際的により脆弱な地位にある新興国市場も、FRB量的緩和縮小声明が最初の影響をもたらした時期より後になって、やはり影響を受けたように見える。特に「フラジャイル・ファイブ」においてはそうである。この結果は、金融グローバリゼーションの時代においては、国によって影響度は異なるものの、新興国金融市場はFRBの政策スタンスの予想される変更とは無縁ではいられない、ということを示している(Powell, 2013; and Nechio, 2014)。