
について論じた論文(WPはここ)をUDADISIが紹介している。論文のタイトルは「Understanding Academic Journal Market Failure: The Case of Austrian Economics」で、著者はScott Alex Beaulier(マーサー大学)とJ. Robert Subrick(ジェームズマディソン大学)。

The failure of Austrian economics to penetrate mainstream journals arises from two factors. The first is that Austrian-oriented economists tend to focus on topics that mainstream journal editors do not. This does not imply that Austrian economists do not pursue research programs that yield new insights. Rather, they do not engage the majority of other economists. Second, Austrian-oriented economists present their ideas in a form that does not easily illicit discussion. In essence, they have raised the costs for mainstream economists of engaging in dialogue with Austrians, potentially signaling an unwillingness to engage in debate. The evidence does not suggest systematic discrimination by the journal editors or referees; quality Austrian ideas do appear in mainstream journals when presented in a fashion that transmits the ideas in a low-cost manner. For example, Shleifer’s recent writings and citations demonstrate that Austrian ideas do resonate with many economists.
Self-selection offers a better explanation for the limited appearance of Austrian ideas since the 1970s. They have failed to present their ideas in formats that many economists use. The self-selection may reflect a desire for product differentiation on the part of self-identified Austrians, but it inhibits debate in first and second tier journals.
