ピーターソン国際経済研究所のSamuel Reynardが、貨幣の数量方程式に基づく分析から、現在の米国は1990年代の日本よりは2000年代のアルゼンチンに近い、という結論を導き出している(Mostly Economics経由)。
The analysis presented in this paper shows that historical episodes of financial crises have been accompanied by different monetary stimulus, which were function of monetary policy reaction and financial sector transmission mechanisms. This has resulted in different inflation paths after the crises. For example, the analysis can explain why the financial crisis in Argentina in the early 2000s was followed by increasing inflation whereas Japan experienced deflation in the 1990s and 2000s despite quantitative easing. The banking sector in Argentina transmitted monetary impulses with a strong expansion of money and credit aggregates after the crisis, leading to increasing inflation. In contrast, Japanese monetary aggregates decreased during the financial crisis of the 1990s, leading to disinflation and deflation. Moreover, the Japanese banking sector did not transmit the Bank of Japan quantitiative easing in the early 2000s, thus broad money and credit aggregates did not increase with the expansion of banks’reserves, and inflation remained close to zero.
In contrast to the crisis episodes in Japan and Switzerland in the 1990s as well as in the US in the 1930s, but similar to Argentina in the 2000s, the US money level has not decreased during the recent financial crisis. Excess liquidity was slightly negative in 2006 and 2007, but has been positive and increasing since 2009 due to an expansionary monetary policy and continued money creation by the banking system. The upward effects on inflation of the recent excess liquidity have just started, which is in line with the long (3 to 5-year) lags characterizing low inflation economies. The decrease in inflation during the crisis as well as the current increase in inflation are consistent with standard relationship between excess liquidity and inflation, in crisis as well as normal times. Current excess liquidity should thus lead to a persistent increase in inflation over the next few years, to levels observed in the late 1980s and early 1990s, i.e. around 4-5%.