
昨日に続きEconomist's View経由のサンディねた。

マシュー・カーン (Matthew Kahn)カリフォルニア州立大学ロサンゼルス校(UCLA)環境研究所、経済学部、公共政策学部教授が、自ブログで、マーケット大学歴史学部の准教授アンドリュー・カール(Andrew Kahrl )が書いたNYT論説の以下の一節を紹介している

By increasing the value of shoreline property and encouraging rampant development, the trend toward privatizing formerly public space has contributed in no small measure to the damage storms like Hurricane Sandy inflict. Tidal lands that soaked up floodwaters were drained and developed. Jetties, bulkheads and sea walls were erected, hastening erosion. And sand dunes — which block rising waters but also profitable ocean views — were bulldozed."


So Joni Mitchell said that we paved over paradise to put up a parking lot. As a first cousin of this claim, Kahrl is saying that capitalism and the pursuit of aesthetic beauty nudged us to drop our guard and destroy Mother Nature's coastal defense system. Such a defense system would have lived on had the area remained public property. For this claim to be true, he must assume that the tragedy of the commons would not have degraded such natural capital. This may be true.

*1:Big Yellow Taxiの一節。