
という議論がNick RoweとDavid Glasnerの間で断続的に続けられている。Roweは成立すると言い、Glasnerは成立しないと言う。


...Nick asserted that any increase in the quantity of bank money is a hot potato. Thus, if banks create more money than the public want to hold, the disequilibrium cannot be eliminated by a withdrawal of the excess money, rather the money must be passed from hand to hand, generating additional money income until the resulting increase in the demand to hold money eliminates the disequilibrium between the demand for money and the amount in existence. I argued that Nick had this all wrong, because banks can destroy, as well as create, money. Citing James Tobin’s classic article “Commercial Banks as Creators of Money,” I argued that responding to the interest-rate spreads between various lending and deposit rates, profit-maximizing banks have economic incentives to create only as much money as the public is willing to hold, no more and no less. Any disequilibrium between the amount of money in existence and the amount the public wants to hold can be eliminated either by a change (positive or negative) in the quantity of money or by a change in the deposit rates necessary to induce the pubic to hold the amount of money in existence.

Rowe自身は、先月末のエントリで、端的に「Supply of money, eventually, creates its own demand(貨幣供給は最終的に自らの需要を創り出す)」と述べている。


Start in equilibrium, where the initial stock of money in public hands is exactly equal to the desired stock. And then the producers of money want to increase that stock, by $100. The producers of money do not need to increase the desired stock of money in order to increase the actual stock. Instead, they simply go out and buy something for $100. Suppose they buy a bicycle. The seller of the bicycle prefers the $100 to the bicycle, clearly. But that does not mean he wants to hold an extra $100 in his wallet. By assumption he doesn't, since we started at equilibrium. He wants to spend that $100 on something else. The supplier of money doesn't offer a price that makes him prefer holding the money to holding the bicycle. He offers a price that's sufficient to buy the skateboard he prefers to hold instead of the bicycle.

There is now an excess supply of money. The actual stock of money exceeds the desired stock. And that excess supply of money will hot potato around the economy, bidding up prices of goods and assets, and increasing quantities of goods bought and sold, until prices and quantities eventually rise enough so that the extra $100 is now willingly held.


In an important sense, all money is like helicopter money. The suppliers decide how big a stock will be held, regardless of the desire to hold it. People will pick it up whether they want to hold it or not. If they don't want to hold it they will spend it, to try to get rid of it in exchange for something they do want to hold. And it hot potatos around the economy until prices rise enough or incomes rise enough that they do want to hold it.

An open market purchase of bonds is still helicopter money. It's a helicopter increase in the stock of money, plus a vacuum cleaner reduction in the stock of bonds.


I know I'm way out of the "mainstream" in arguing against the Law of Reflux. The mainstream has not understood that money is not like other assets. We *always* accept the medium of exchange when we sell other goods. It wouldn't be the medium of exchange if we didn't.


This very old debate over the Law of Reflux is what is at the root of the very modern debate about whether Quantitative Easing can work.



You seem to want to treat all money as a single homogeneous entity whether it is issued by the government (central bank) or by commercial banks and therefore argue that there is no separate market for money. I on the other hand say that there is no separate market (in your sense) for money issued by the central bank, but there is a market for money created by commercial banks (which they make convertible into government money).


ちなみに9月の両者のエントリにはサムナーが姿を見せ、二人の意見がどこで食い違っているのか良く分からん、とコメントしている。また、Bill Woolseyは最初からホットポテト仮説を支持しており*3、今回のGlasnerのエントリにも、還流原理による不均衡解消過程の問題点を指摘する長文のコメントを寄せている。



*3:そもそもホットポテトという用語が議論に登場したのは、Rowe槍玉に挙げる前のGlasnerの8月エントリのコメント欄でのGlasnerとWoolseyのやり取りにおいて、トービンの言うように預金通貨はホットポテトではない、とGlasnerが論じたのに対し、いやホットポテトだ、とWoolseyが反論したことに端を発している。また、9月エントリでGlasnerは、「貨幣経済では、n-1個の非貨幣の財それぞれについて市場がある。各市場では、ある非貨幣財と貨幣という、2つの財が取引される。」という(ここで紹介した)Roweの議論を、これぞホットポテト理論に正式な表現を与えたもの、と評している。ちなみにトービン論文では、「For it is the beginning of wisdom in monetary economics to observe that money is like the “hot potato” of a children's game: one individual may pass it to another, but the group as a whole cannot get rid of it.」と記述されている(ホットポテトゲームのWikipediaの説明はこちら)。