というレポートがリッチモンドFRBのHPに掲載されている(Mostly Economics経由)。
The stars will soon align over Fort Bragg, N.C., and when they do, only the Pentagon will have more
generals. That’ll be sometime this year when two Army commands relocate to brand-new Fort Bragg headquarters, part of a total of about $1.3 billion in construction. Likewise, Fort Lee’s 6,000 acres in central Virginia are humming with $1.2 billion worth of new and expanded training and logistics schools and facilities for all military branches. Communications and intelligence operations are expanding big-time at Fort Meade and the Aberdeen Proving Ground (APG), among others of Maryland’s 17 military sites.
These expansions result from the 2005 Base Realignment and Closing plan, or BRAC, which reshuffles 33 major sites and closes 22 others. (See adjacent map.) It’s a $35 billion nationwide effort, due for completion by mid-September. Economic studies project mostly positive economic effects from the added commerce the expansions will bring. Base closures typically bring the opposite: job loss, the severity of which varies with the strength and diversity of a community’s nonmilitary economy.
Military installations can benefit communities, especially posts that import the equivalent of a corporate headquarters, with highly paid jobs — engineers, scientists, professionals, and high-level managers. Those locales see more of a boost than ones with bases that only process and train troops. Already, 40 new defense contractors have set up shop in Harford County, Md., in anticipation of APG’s economic boon.
Though communities may benefit long term, an influx may mean short-term pain in the form of crowded schools
and congested roads. The region near Fort Bragg will need to educate the expected 6,000 new students that may crowd classrooms and overwork teachers. Moreover, Fort Bragg’s expected 41,000 new people will crowd area roads.
こうした拡張は、2005年の基地再編・閉鎖計画(Base Realignment and Closing plan=BRAC)の結果である。その計画では、33の重要な基地を再編し、22を閉鎖する(次ページの地図参照)。全国ベースでは350億ドルのプランであり、9月半ばまでに完了予定である。各種経済分析によれば、これらの拡張は取引を増やし、概ねプラスの経済効果をもたらすと予測されている。基地の閉鎖は概ねその逆で、職の喪失をもたらす。その打撃度は、地域の非軍事経済の強さと多様性に依存することになるだろう。