
ノアピニオン氏が、マクロ経済学批判はこれで打ち止め、としてこれまでの集大成となるパワポ資料(正確にはグーグルスライド資料)を自ブログに上げたところ、クルーグマン反応し、表題のエントリ(原題は「Macroeconomics: The Simple and the Fancy」)でまた彼一流のマクロ経済学者批判を繰り広げた。

Smith says, “go slow, allow central bankers to use judgment and simple models in the meantime.” That would be better than a lot of what academic macroeconomists do in practice, which is to castigate central bankers and other policymakers for not using elaborate models that don’t work. But is there really no role for smart academics to help out in this process? And if so, what does this say about the utility of what the profession does?
Reading Smith, I found myself remembering an old line from Robert Solow in defense of “fancy” economic theorizing:

In economics I like a man to have mastered the fancy theory before I trust him with simple theory … because high-powered economics seems to be such an excellent school for the skillful use of low-powered economics.

OK, can anyone make that case about modern macroeconomics? With a straight face? In practice, it has often seemed that expertise in high-powered macroeconomics — mainly meaning DSGE — positively incapacitates its possessors from the use of low-powered macroeconomics, largely IS-LM and its derivatives.
I don’t want to make a crude functional argument here: research that advances knowledge doesn’t have to provide an immediate practical payoff. But the experience since 2008 has strongly suggested that the research program that dominated macro for the previous generation actually impaired the ability of economists to provide useful advice in the moment. Mastering the fancy stuff made economists useless at the simple stuff.
スミスは、「まあ、焦らず、中央銀行家が判断と単純なモデルを使うこともまた許容しようではないか」と言う。それは、学界のマクロ経済学者の多くが実際にしていることよりも遥かに良いことだ。彼らは、機能しない精緻なモデルを使わない咎で中央銀行家や他の政策担当者を厳しく非難している*1。しかし、その過程で賢い学者が手助けする余地は本当に無いのだろうか? もしそうならば、そのことは、経済学者が行っていることの有用性について何を意味しているのだろうか?


オーケイ、これを現代マクロ経済学について主張できる人はいるかな? 真顔で? 実際のところ、難易度の高いマクロ経済学――主にDSGEを指すわけだが――に熟達すると、IS-LMやその派生形といった難易度の低いマクロ経済学を使う能力がどんどんと駄目になる場合が多いように思われる。

*1:cf. ここここ