
4年前にエコノブロゴスフィアをdisってちょっとした騒ぎを引き起こしたリッチモンド連銀のKartik Athreyaが以下の本を出版し、各ブログで取り上げられている。

Big Ideas in Macroeconomics: A Nontechnical View (The MIT Press)

Big Ideas in Macroeconomics: A Nontechnical View (The MIT Press)

実際に書評を書いたのはジョン・クイギンDavid Glasnerで(GlasnerはStephen Williamson経由との由)、クイギンの書評を読んだクルーグマン、および両者の書評を読んだノアピニオン氏がさらにブログエントリを書いている。



The new book is an attempt to simplify things, and indeed it has proved enlightening to me and also to Herb Gintis who contributes a blurb on the back, commending it as an accessible and accurate description of the dominant way of thinking about macroeconomics.
The easiest way to see why the book is so striking is to list some topics that do not appear in the index (and are not discussed, or only mentioned in passing, in the text). These include: unemployment, inflation, recession, depression, business cycle, Phillips curve, NAIRU, Taylor Rule, money, monetary policy and fiscal policy.
By contrast, the book includes a lengthy treatment of such topics as Bayes-Nash equilibrium in game theory, intertemporal optimization of consumption and the theory of mechanism design.
If you think that this sounds like Hamlet not merely without the Prince, but without anyone in Elsinore, from King Hamlet’s Ghost to Fortinbras, that’s because you are expecting the wrong play.
In Athreya’s world, and that of a large part of the academic macroeconomics profession, macroeconomics does indeed begin with Walras, and the first modern development in the field was the formalization of Walras’ model by the economic theorists Arrow, Debreu and MacKenzie in the 1950s. The big subsequent development is the integration of growth theory into the static ADM framework to generate the modern dynamic stochastic general equilibrium (DSGE) models. Keynes’ 1936 ‘essay’ is treated as a curiosity, too vague and wordy to permit any real analysis.

This has the odd effect that many of the leading Keynesians of the postwar era (including Samuelson, Solow and the unjustly neglected Australian economist Trevor Swan) are given respectful cites for their work on growth theory, even as (what they would have regarded as) their macroeconomic work is dismissed as being too silly even to be refuted. Even Milton Friedman is treated similarly, with his intertemporal consumption model being praised, while his adaptive expectations model of inflation is ignored. Real macro (that is, Walrasian GE applied to issues like the business cycle) begins, in this analysis, with Robert Lucas in the late 1970s.


Big Ideas in Macroeconomics is a moderately big book, 415 pages, covering a very wide range of topics. It is noteworthy, I think, that despite its size, there is so little overlap between the topics covered in this book, and those covered in more traditional, perhaps old-fashioned, books on macroeconomics. The index contains not a single entry on the price level, inflation, deflation, money, interest, total output, employment or unemployment. Which is not to say that none of those concepts are ever mentioned or discussed, just that they are not treated, as they are in traditional macroeconomics books, as the principal objects of macroeconomic inquiry. The conduct of monetary or fiscal policy to achieve some explicit macroeconomic objective is never discussed. In contrast, there are repeated references to Walrasian equilibrium, the Arrow-Debreu-McKenzie model, the Radner model, Nash-equilibria, Pareto optimality, the first and second Welfare theorems. It’s a new world.
「Big Ideas in Macroeconomics」は415ページというそれなりの大著であり、テーマは非常に多岐にわたる。私が思うに、これだけの大著にも関わらず、この本で取り上げられたトピックと、より伝統的な、あるいはより古風と言っても良いかもしれないマクロ経済学本で取り上げられてきたトピックとの重複が極めて少ない、ということは特筆に値する。索引には価格水準、インフレ、デフレ、貨幣、金利、総生産、雇用そして失業に関するエントリが一つもない。そのことは、これらの概念がいずれもまったく言及ないし論じられていないことを意味するわけではないが、従来のマクロ経済学本におけるように、マクロ経済学の主要な探究テーマとしては扱われていない。何らかの明示的なマクロ経済上の目標を達成するために金融ないし財政政策を実行することは、まったく論じられていない。対照的に、ワルラス均衡、アロー=デブリュー=マッケンジーモデル、ラドナーモデル、ナッシュ均衡パレート最適、厚生理論の第一命題と第二命題は繰り返し言及されている。これは新世界なのだ。


First, I wanted to steer clear of making the book a compendium of what I personally, or what macroeconomists generally, think about policy issue x,y, or z. People disagree, as we know. Instead, the goal was to illustrate the M.O. of modern macro. There is, if not convergence of opinion, convergence of method by which to provide an account of things. And this is what I wanted to, and by your account and that of others did, successfully convey.

I also wanted, especially, to stress the work on models with lots of market malfunction. This is the point of a big chunk of chapter 5 (and 4 really). Models constructed to tackle many of the things you’ve noted (unemployment, especially) use precisely the models I describe.

This is why I am dismayed by statement, that this: “…version of macro excludes everything in which I am interested. ” Really, it just doesn’t.

And perhaps I should’ve said even more than I did about models of unemployment and imperfect trading arrangements. But the book covers a lot already.


First, the things that you worry are missing, are missing for a reason: I wanted to show how the analyses of the many things you would define as macro as*2 dealt with (to vary*3 degrees of satisfactoriness) in work that uses or blends the various types of models I describe in detail. I had no intention of asserting what consensus opinions of all the hot-button issues of the day were among macroeconomists. Now *that* would be worthy of the admonishment of “methodological arrogance.” :).

Second: When you say: “Chapter 3, contains some interesting reflections on the importance of efficiency (Pareto-optimality) as a policy objective and on the trade-offs between efficiency and equity and between ex-ante and ex-post efficiency. But these topics are on the periphery of macroeconomics, so I will offer no comment here.” I disagree. This line of conversation is important for macroeconomic policymaking, especially ex-ante vs. ex-post efficiency.

Third: I share your discomfort, believe it or not, with the handling of expectations. I just don’t think we have any viable competitors yet, but I wouldn’t want to rule one out. Many flowers ought to bloom here–but one probably doesn’t want to use them in applied settings (macro) before a whole lot of discussion.

*1:cf. ここ


