
についてロゴフが書いているMostly Economics経由)。


  1. 金融市場の摩擦を、より現実的かつ取り扱いやすい形で金融政策分析の標準モデルに取り込むこと。
  2. 景気循環的な財政政策の役割、とりわけ金融危機で信用市場が凍りついた時に果たすべき役割について再考すること。
  3. 金融市場規制に関する費用便益分析を改善すること。


The challenge facing macroeconomists is a daunting one and, in many ways, parallel to the challenge economists faced after the Great Depression of the 1930s. Before then, the canonical model not only assumed perfect financial markets (to the extent that concept was understood at the time), but also perfect markets for all non‐financial transactions as well. But with a quarter of the population unemployed at the peak of the Depression, the notion that frictionless markets equate the supply and demand for labor appeared patently absurd. This observation was a central tenet of Lord John Maynard Keynes’ seminal work. Keynes, however, while making some profoundly insightful empirical observations, did not really offer a clear approach to how to formally model labor market frictions. To make a long story short, economists debated the right approach for more than half a century, and never found a completely satisfactory solution. On the eve of the financial crisis, the consensus monetary model incorporated price and wage rigidities in a way that seemed to capture empirical reality in a useful way, although the underlying rationale for the rigidities remained somewhat crude and mechanical. Nevertheless, even after the financial crisis, it is clear that “New Keynesian” and related models are a vast improvement not only over Keynes but over later “new neoclassical” and “real business cycle” models that essentially rejected all frictions entirely. (At least, the new models are an improvement for purposes of analyzing monetary policy which would be virtually impotent in the absence of frictions.
The challenge ahead is to now also incorporate financial frictions. Although many young economists are already working on the problem, there is no reason to presume that a consensus will arise any more quickly than after Keynes, and that it might well take many decades before the dust settles. Nevertheless, until macroeconomics meets this challenge, the credibility of its models will remain deeply compromised.
