- President Obama meets with a few of his principal economic advisors daily. Gut reaction: this is both a blessing and a curse. President Bush met with different configurations of his advisors as needed, rather than with the same group each morning. During normal times this averaged 2-3 meetings with the President per week. During the financial crisis it was almost every day, and sometimes more than once on a busy day.
- The proliferation of White House czars means that economic policy processes and decision-making are more dispersed in the Obama White House. As best I can tell, NEC did not run the health policy process for President Obama in 2009-2010, nor the cap-and-trade policy process, as it did during the Bush era. You can decide whether that’s good or bad.
- The current NEC Director has previously served as Treasury Secretary and is a leading academic economist in his own right and would be extremely well qualified to chair the CEA. This makes him at least a potential threat to both Secretary Geithner and the CEA Chair, and it means that everyone needs to work extra hard to make sure their roles are understood and that they can function together as a team.
- オバマ大統領は主な経済顧問の数人と毎日顔を合わせている。脊髄反射的反応:これは良いことでもあり、悪いことでもある。ブッシュ大統領は、毎朝同じ面子と顔を合わせるのではなく、必要に応じて異なった顔触れの顧問と会合を持っていた。通常時には、大統領のそうした会合は週平均2,3回であった。金融危機時にはそれはほぼ毎日となり、切迫した時には一日に複数回開かれた。