
キース・ヘネシーNEC委員長がそう題したブログエントリを8/8に書いている(原題は「Roles of the President’s White House economic advisors」;Mostly Economics経由*1)。


NEC’s primary role (Summers) is to manage this circus for issues within his broad scope, keep it moving forward, and make sure the result of that process is useful to the President. CEA’s primary role (Romer) is to participate in that process as the lead economist.

I hope this explanation shows why CEA is (almost, ex Greenspan) always run by an academic PhD economist, and NEC is often run by someone without an academic economics background but instead with a policy or management background. Dr. Laura Tyson, Dr. Larry Lindsey, and Dr. Larry Summers are all PhD economists who ran the NEC. Bob Rubin, Gene Sperling, Steve Friedman, Al Hubbard and I were not PhDs or academic economists.

It can be particularly tricky when the head of NEC is a brilliant and well-regarded economist in his or her own right. Why should the President look to the CEA Chair for the formal economics, when he already has a brilliant economist as his NEC Director? Why does he even need the CEA Chair in the room? At the same time, are academic economic training and credentials the right skill set to manage a policy process, be an honest broker, and balance the economics with all the other factors that go into a Presidential decision?
NEC委員長自身が優秀かつ高名な経済学者の場合、話がややこしくなり得る。NEC委員長として優秀な経済学者が既にいるのに、大統領がCEA委員長から改めて正式の経済学に基づく意見を聞く必要があるだろうか? その場合、そもそもCEA委員長が会議に出席する必要があるだろうか? また、その一方で、経済学界でのキャリアや名声が、政策の策定過程を管理し、仲裁人の役割を引き受け、経済学と大統領の決定に関わるその他の要因とのバランスを取る上での適切な技能と言えるだろうか?



*2:当初ヘネシーは「always」と書いていたが、グリーンスパンはどうなんだ、というコメント欄での指摘を受け、「always」の前に「(almost, ex Greenspan)」という文言を挿入している。