

12/3付けのボストングローブ論説で、ハーバード大教授のEd Glaeserが以下のようなことを述べている(マンキューブログ経由)。

IN THE 1912 presidential election, Woodrow Wilson fought for a “New Freedom” and favored breaking up over-mighty businesses. One of his opponents, Theodore Roosevelt, wanted a “New Nationalism,” where big business would be controlled by robust regulation and a powerful public sector. Today, America is again faced with the Morton’s Fork of either regulating or dismantling financial firms that are “too big to fail.” For Rooseveltian regulators to succeed, they need enough information to restrain excessive risk-taking and that requires a system where financial firms reveal each other’s risks.

But bank-busting won’t solve the problems. Lehman Brothers was no giant, and the government bailed out even the smaller Bear Stearns. Since the public sector seems unable to let even modestly-sized financial firms go belly up, hard limits on their growth will restrict creative expansion and the gains from diversification without reducing the need for regulation.

Banking regulation can use the same rat-on-your-partner structure. Every credit default swap involves two parties - one taking on more risk and one shedding risk. The regulatory system should treat this as a transfer of risk where the insurer is taking on exactly as much danger as the insured party is shedding. If each firm’s public insurance payments or capital requirements depend on their risk, then the insured entity has an incentive to accurately report the risk the insurer is taking on. With the right system, every firm has an incentive to report on each other and to make sure their numbers match.

Mistakes will still be made but forcing every financial firm to be small won’t solve everything. Better regulation is the best way forward, and effective regulation depends upon the information flows that come from a system where these firms inform on each other and work for the rest of us.


また、Economics of contempt(EoC)ブログも、too big to fail金融機関は分割するのではなく規制するべき、と主張している。11/13エントリでは、分割すべきでない理由として、マーケットメーカー(ディーラー)の役割を果たしていることを挙げている。

You need a very large and diverse balance sheet to be a market-maker in fixed-income products—government securities, investment grade corporate bonds, high-yield bonds, mortgage-backed securities, bank and secured loans, consumer ABS, distressed debt, emerging market bonds, etc. Dealers hold inventories of all these securities because they need to remain "ready and willing" to sell, and because when they buy a security from a client, they need to hold it in inventory until a buyer for the security appears. Dealers are exposed to price movements for the period they hold the security in inventory, and because inventories can grow large in a short amount of time, sharp price movements can result in substantial losses for dealers.

So dealers hedge. Constantly. The cheapest way for dealers to hedge is internally—that is, when the security or derivative it buys can offset an exposure elsewhere on its balance sheet.


Tim Geithner isn’t an idiot, and he’s not an attention-craving pundit. Unfortunately, most pundits are apparently unable to distinguish between recognizing the benefits of big banks and being “captured by Wall Street” (which is a red herring).

このEoCのエントリは、スティーブ・ワルドマン(後書き)RortybombFT Alphavilleでも取り上げられている。
FT Alphavilleは内容の紹介に留まり特に論評を加えていないが、そういえばJPモルガンCEOのジェイミー・ダイモンも最近分割反対の論説をWaPoに書いたね、とそちらの記事も合わせて紹介している。
