
というNBER論文が上がっているungated版)。原題は「Blackouts in the Developing World: The Role of Wholesale Electricity Markets」で、著者はAkshaya Jha(カーネギーメロン大)、Louis Preonas(メリーランド大)、Fiona Burlig(シカゴ大)。

Blackouts impose substantial economic costs in developing countries. This paper advances a new explanation for their continued prevalence: unlike in high-income countries, where regulatory mandates require utilities to satisfy all electricity demand, utilities in developing countries respond to wholesale electricity prices. As a result, misallocation of output across power plants can decrease the quantity of electricity supplied to end-users. We provide empirical support for this explanation using novel data from India, home to the world’s third-largest electricity sector. In contrast to the developed world, we find that Indian wholesale demand is downward-sloping. Reducing supply-side misallocation would increase electricity supply for the average household by 1.7 percent (enough to power 4.6 million additional households). Justifying a mandate that utilities must satisfy all end-use demand would require consumers to value electricity far above the cost of diesel backup generation. However, such a mandate would likely be cost-effective if paired with supply-side reforms.




というNBER論文が上がっているungated版)。原題は「Worker Beliefs About Outside Options」で著者はSimon Jäger(MIT)、Christopher Roth(ケルン大)、Nina Roussille(LSE)、Benjamin Schoefer(UCバークレー)。

Workers wrongly anchor their beliefs about outside options on their current wage. In particular, low-paid workers underestimate wages elsewhere. We document this anchoring bias by eliciting workers’ beliefs in a representative survey in Germany and comparing them to measures of actual outside options in linked administrative labor market data. In an equilibrium model, such anchoring can give rise to monopsony and labor market segmentation. In line with the model, misperceptions are particularly pronounced among workers in low-wage firms. If workers had correct beliefs, at least 10% of jobs, concentrated in low-wage firms, would not be viable at current wages.



というNBER論文が上がっている。原題は「Interest Received by Banks during the Financial Crisis: LIBOR vs Hypothetical SOFR Loans」で、著者はUrban Jermann(ペンシルベニア大)。

The credit sensitivity of LIBOR helped lenders during the financial crisis. SOFR is not credit-sensitive and would not have provided that support. The cumulative additional interest from LIBOR during the crisis is estimated to be between 1% to 2% of the notional amount of outstanding loans, depending on the tenor and type of SOFR rate used. The amount of LIBOR business loans owned by banks could have been as high as about 2trn, and the overall additional interest income banks received thanks to LIBOR could have been as high as 30bn dollars. The analysis also shows that a compounded SOFR reduces insurance relative to a term SOFR.


というNBER論文が上がっているungated版)。原題は「Fiscal Policy in a Networked Economy」で、著者はJoel P. Flynn(MIT)、Christina Patterson(シカゴ大)、John Sturm(MIT)。

Advanced economies feature complicated networks that connect households, firms, and regions. How do these structures affect the impact of fiscal policy and its optimal targeting? We study these questions in a model with input-output linkages, regional structure, and household heterogeneity in MPCs, consumption baskets, and shock exposures. Theoretically, we derive estimable formulae for the effects of fiscal policies on aggregate GDP, or fiscal multipliers, and show how network structures determine their size. Empirically, we find that multipliers vary substantially across policies, so targeting is important. Beneath these aggregate effects are large spatial and sectoral spillovers from policies directed to any one firm or household. However, virtually all variation in multipliers stems from differences in policies’ direct incidence onto households’ MPCs. Thus, while the distributional effects of fiscal policy depend on the detailed structure of the economy, maximally expansionary fiscal policy simply targets households’ MPCs.
先進国経済は家計、企業、地域をつなぐ複雑なネットワークを特徴としている。こうした構造はどのように財政政策とその最適な目標設定に影響するだろうか? 我々は、投入産出の連関、地域の構造、および家計の限界消費性向と消費バスケットとショック受容の不均一性を備えたモデルでこの問題を研究した。理論面において我々は、財政政策がマクロのGDPに与える影響の推計可能な式、ないし財政乗数を導出し、ネットワーク構造がどのようにその大きさを決めるかを示す。実証面において我々は、政策によって乗数がかなり違うことを見い出した。そのため目標設定が重要となる。こうしたマクロの影響の背後には、一つの企業もしくは家計を対象とした政策からの空間および部門面での大きな波及効果がある。しかし、乗数の変動は事実上すべて、どの家計の限界消費性向に政策が直接的に働き掛けるかの違いから生じている。従って、財政政策の分配効果が経済の細かな構造に左右されるとしても、最大限に拡張的な財政政策は単純に家計の限界消費性向を目標とすることになる。



というフランス銀行論文をMostly Economicsが紹介している。原題は「The Central Bank, the Treasury, or the Market: Which One Determines the Price Level?」で、著者は Barthélemy Jean(フランス銀行)、Mengus Eric(HECパリ)、Plantin Guillaume(パリ政治学院)。

This paper describes the game played by a fiscal authority aiming at spending as much as it can and a monetary authority targeting a certain price-level path. The link between the two authorities is that both authorities dislike, to some extent, government default. The objective of the paper is to provide for conditions under which one authority imposes its views on the other authority. This non-technical summary wraps up the main results of the paper.
We first consider a two-date game and then extend it to more dates. Compared to the literature, we crucially assume that both fiscal and monetary authorities play cannot commit on future policies. The monetary authority issues reserves, set interest on reserves and can use a part of the proceeds to buyback the bonds issued by the government. The fiscal authority issues debt, can default on past debt, and consumes. The price level is the price of goods in term of reserves.
The price level may depend on the net nominal public liabilities. We say that there is fiscal dominance when the fiscal authority imposes its views on monetary authority – when the monetary authority deviates from its price-stability objective to ensure the sustainability of public debt. Our first result is that, at the end of the game, fiscal dominance prevails when the public liabilities in the hand of the private sector exceeds the real public resources. When net public liabilities are sufficiently low, the monetary dominance prevails. When net public liabilities are so high that the price level required to make debt sustainable exceeds the monetary authority is ready to tolerate to avoid default, the monetary authority prefers letting the government default. Figure below shows the relationship between the price level at the terminal date and the net public liabilities.
Fiscal dominance only appears once all fiscal capacity is exhausted. If the government cannot commit unlike Sargent and Wallace (1981), the central bank can resist and avoid fiscal dominance as long as fiscal authority can raise revenues. So fiscal dominance, as the one in the middle region of the above figure, occurs when net public liabilities exceed the real resources of the public sector times the price target of the central bank. In this case, the central bank deviates from its objective and makes any action required to get the minimum price level that ensures sovereign solvency. Fiscal dominance thus requires that fiscal authority have no more fiscal space.
Exhausting fiscal capacity may be costly for the fiscal authority: it requires allocating spending over time in a specific (possibly suboptimal) way and it leaves little room to absorb new macroeconomic shock. The paper explores the first type of costs only. When choosing its optimal debt issuance policy, the fiscal authority should hence tradeoff the cost of over-borrowing and the potential gains from inflation. Fiscal authority will not deliberately choose fiscal dominance if the allocative costs dominate the gains from reduced debt burden due to inflation. The paper shows that this is the case when legacy nominal liabilities are small, the fiscal authority is more patient, future fiscal resources are large, real rates are responsive to public debt.
How can the monetary authority attenuate the cost of fiscal dominance? When legacy debt is huge, fiscal dominance is inevitable as real resources are insufficient to repay legacy debt with prices on target. In some cases, monetary authority can attenuate the cost of fiscal dominance by moderately raising inflation preemptively. By doing so, the monetary authority reduces the incentives for the fiscal authority to engage into a fiscal dominance strategy.
When debt repays itself due to dynamic inefficiency. In this case, a share of public debt may be unbacked by future primary surpluses. This share is however fragile and depends on self-fulfilling beliefs about the future private demand for the public debt. In such a context, the private sector can prick the bubble if disappointed by some public sector decisions, giving them an exorbitant privilege. In such an environment, the private sector, through out-of-equilibrium threats, determines who wins the game of chicken leading to what we call market dominance. Fiscal and monetary dominance may prevail depending on the off-equilibrium private sector strategy.
金融当局はどのように財政優位のコストを軽減できるだろうか? 過去からの債務が巨額な場合、物価が目標通りだと過去からの債務を返済するのに実物資源が不十分であるため、財政優位は不可避となる。金融当局が予防的にインフレを小幅に引き上げることにより、財政優位のコストを軽減できる場合もある。そうすることによって金融当局は、財政当局が財政優位戦略を採るインセンティブを減じる。


「Forced Displacement and Human Capital: Evidence from Separated Siblings」というNBER論文が上がっているungated版へのリンクがある著者の一人のサイト)。著者はGiorgio Chiovelli(モンテビデオ大)、Stelios Michalopoulos(ブラウン大)、Elias Papaioannou(ロンドン・ビジネス・スクール)、Sandra Sequeira(LSE)。

We examine the impact of conflict-driven displacement on human capital. We focus on the Mozambican civil war (1977–1992), during which more than four million civilians fled to the countryside, cities, and refugee camps and settlements in neighboring countries. We leverage the full post-war census to compare siblings separated during the war, using those who stayed behind as a counterfactual to one’s displacement path. Uprooted children register higher investments in education. Second, we quantify the relative importance of place-based and displacement effects. The latter increases education and decreases attachment to agriculture by the same rate as being exposed to an environment approximately one standard deviation more developed than one’s birthplace. Third, we conduct a survey in Nampula, whose population doubled during the civil war. Those who fled to the city have significantly higher education than their siblings who remained in the countryside and they converged to the levels of schooling of non-mover urban-born individuals. However, those displaced exhibit significantly lower social/civic capital and have worse mental health, even three decades after the war. These findings reveal that displacement shocks can trigger human capital investments, breaking links with subsistence agriculture, but at the cost of long-lasting, social, and psychological traumas.


というNBER論文が上がっているungated版)。原題は「Currency Wars, Trade Wars, and Global Demand」で、著者はOlivier Jeanne(ジョンズ・ホプキンス大)。

This paper presents a tractable model of a global economy in which countries can use a broad range of policy instruments---the nominal interest rate, taxes on imports and exports, taxes on capital flows or foreign exchange interventions. Low demand may lead to unemployment because of downward nominal wage stickiness. Markov perfect equilibria with and without international cooperation are characterized in closed form. The welfare costs of trade and currency wars crucially depend on the state of global demand and on the policy instruments that are used by national policymakers. Countries have more incentives to deviate from free trade when global demand is low. Trade wars lower employment if they involve tariffs on imports but raise employment if they involve export subsidies. Tariff wars can lead to self-fulfilling global liquidity traps.