
というNBER論文が上がっているungated版関連VoxEU記事)。原題は「Zombie Lending and Policy Traps」で、著者はViral V. Acharya、Simone Lenzu、Olivier Wang(いずれもNYU)。

We build a model with heterogeneous firms and banks to analyze how policy affects credit allocation and long-term economic outcomes. When firms are hit by small negative shocks, conventional monetary policy can restore efficient bank lending and production by lowering interest rates. Large shocks, however, necessitate unconventional policy such as regulatory forbearance towards banks to stabilize the economy. Aggressive accommodation runs the risk of introducing zombie lending and a “diabolical sorting”, whereby low-capitalization banks extend new credit or evergreen existing loans to low-productivity firms. If shocks reduce the profitability gap between healthy and zombie firms, the optimal forbearance policy is non-monotone in the size of the shock. In a dynamic setting, policy aimed at avoiding short-term recessions can be trapped into protracted low rates and excessive forbearance, due to congestion externalities imposed by zombie lending on healthier firms. The resulting economic sclerosis delays the recovery from transitory shocks, and can even lead to permanent output losses.


*2:cf. エバーグリーン信用供与とは? | 経済用語集


というNBER論文が上がっているungated版)。原題は「Innovation Networks and Innovation Policy」で、著者はErnest Liu(プリンストン大)、Song Ma(イェール大)。

We study the optimal allocation of R&D resources in an endogenous growth model with an innovation network, through which one sector’s past innovations may benefit other sectors’ future innovations. First, we provide closed-form sufficient statistics for the optimal path of R&D resource allocation, and we show that planners valuing long-term growth should allocate more R&D toward key sectors that are upstream in the innovation network. Second, we extend to an open-economy setting and illustrate an incentive for countries to free-ride on fundamental technologies: an economy more reliant on foreign knowledge spillovers has less incentive to direct resources toward innovation-upstream sectors, leading to cross-country differences in unilaterally optimal R&D allocations across sectors. Third, we build the global innovation network based on over 30 million global patents and establish its empirical importance for knowledge spillovers. Fourth, we apply the model to evaluate R&D allocations across countries and time. Adopting optimal R&D allocations can generate substantial welfare improvements across the globe. For the United States, R&D misallocation accounts for about 0.68 percentage points of missing annual growth since the 2000s.


Economies with well-developed domestic innovation networks, such as the United States and Japan, should conduct more R&D in innovation-central sectors; by contrast, economies that heavily rely on foreign knowledge spillovers should direct more R&D toward consumer goods.

*1:本文では「unilaterally optimal」について、「We provide sufficient statistics for the R&D allocations that maximize each country’s domestic welfare—what we call unilaterally optimal allocations—along a balanced growth path.(我々は、均衡成長経路に沿って、各国の国内の厚生を最大化する研究開発配分――我々はそれを一律に最適な配分と呼ぶ――の十分統計量を提示する。)」と説明している。


というNBER論文をJordi Galíらが上げているungated版)。原題は「Monetary Policy and Endogenous Financial Crises」で、著者はFrederic Boissay(BIS)、Fabrice Collard(トゥールーズ経済学院)、Jordi Galí(CREI)、Cristina Manea(ドイツ連銀)。

We study whether a central bank should deviate from its objective of price stability to promote financial stability. We tackle this question within a textbook New Keynesian model augmented with capital accumulation and microfounded endogenous financial crises. We compare several interest rate rules, under which the central bank responds more or less forcefully to inflation and aggregate output. Our main findings are threefold. First, monetary policy affects the probability of a crisis both in the short run (through aggregate demand) and in the medium run (through savings and capital accumulation). Second, a central bank can both reduce the probability of a crisis and increase welfare by departing from strict inflation targeting and responding systematically to fluctuations in output. Third, financial crises may occur after a long period of unexpectedly loose monetary policy as the central bank abruptly reverses course.



というNBER論文をローレンス・ボールらが上げている。原題は「Measuring U.S. Core Inflation: The Stress Test of COVID-19」で、著者はLaurence M. Ball(ジョンズ・ホプキンス大)、Daniel Leigh(IMF)、Prachi Mishra(同)、Antonio Spilimbergo(同)。

Large price changes in industries affected by the COVID-19 pandemic have caused erratic fluctuations in the U.S. headline inflation rate. This paper compares alternative approaches to filtering out the transitory effects of these industry price changes and measuring the underlying or core level of inflation over 2020-2021. The Federal Reserve’s preferred measure of core, the inflation rate excluding food and energy prices, has performed poorly: over most of 2020-21, it is almost as volatile as headline inflation. Measures of core that exclude a fixed set of additional industries, such as the Atlanta Fed’s sticky-price inflation rate, have been less volatile, but the least volatile have been measures that filter out large price changes in any industry, such as the Cleveland Fed’s median inflation rate and the Dallas Fed’s trimmed mean inflation rate. These core measures have followed smooth paths, drifting down when the economy was weak in 2020 and then rising as the economy has rebounded.


デジタル融資は穴を埋めているのか、穴を掘っているのか? マラウイでの実証結果

というNBER論文が上がっているungated版)。原題は「Is Digital Credit Filling a Hole or Digging a Hole? Evidence from Malawi」で、著者はValentina Brailovskaya(IDインサイト)、Pascaline Dupas(スタンフォード大)、Jonathan Robinson(UCサンタクルーズ)。

Digital credit has expanded rapidly in Africa, mostly in the form of short-term, high-interest loans offered via mobile money. Loan terms are often opaque and consumer financial literacy is low, providing opportunities for predatory lending. A regression discontinuity analysis shows no negative effect of access to digital loans on financial well-being, but the majority of borrowers fail to repay on time and incur high late fees. We randomize exposure to a short phone-based financial literacy intervention. The intervention improved knowledge and marginally improved loan repayment but increased loan demand, increasing overall default risk.


保守派の経済学者としてクルーグマンなどのリベラル派の経済学者と幾たびか角突き合わせてきたケイシー・マリガン(Casey B. Mulligan、シカゴ大)が、表題のNBER論文を上げている。原題は「Peltzman Revisited: Quantifying 21st Century Opportunity Costs of FDA Regulation」で、以下はその要旨。

This paper revisits Peltzman (1973) in light of two recent opportunities to quantitatively assess tradeoffs in drug regulation. First, reduced regulatory barriers to drug manufacturing associated with the 2017 reauthorization of Generic Drug User Fee Amendments were followed by significantly more entry and lower consumer prices for prescription drugs. Using a simple and versatile industry model and historical data on entry, I find that easing generic restrictions discourages innovation, but this welfare cost is more than offset by consumer benefits from enhanced competition, especially after 2016. Second, accelerated vaccine approval in 2020 had unprecedented net benefits as it not only improved health but substantially changed the trajectory of the wider economy. The evidence suggests that cost-benefit analysis of FDA regulation is incomplete without accounting for substitution toward potentially unsafe and ineffective treatments that are both outside FDA jurisdiction and heavily utilized prior to FDA approval. Moreover, the policy processes initiating these 21st century regulatory changes show a clear influence of Peltzman’s 1973 findings.


“...consumer losses from purchases of ineffective drugs or hastily-marketed unsafe drugs appear to have been trivial compared to their gains from innovation.” Peltzman (1973), describing drug markets before the Food and Drug Administration was tasked with certifying drug efficacy.


*2:ちなみにペルツマンは1975年の論文で提示したペルツマン効果(cf. ここ)が有名。



Claudia Sahmという元FRBエコノミストが12月19日に以下のようなツイートを行った

PS there is a weird tension (often tinged with disrespect) between academic macro and Fed macro. I saw it right away when I got to the Board. I didn't quite understand it, but that didn't take long. I am vocal about it now. academic macro has done immense damage in the world.


Absolutely. As someone who began my academic career in the late 70s, as equilibrium macro was tightening its grip, we all knew that fundamental business cycle issues were a minefield nobody with a reality sense would enter 1/
Try to publish anything in which monetary policy — let alone fiscal policy — did what it clearly did in the real world, and you would be blockaded from the journals and frozen out of appointment committees. You had to keep yr views private and build your reputation elsewhere 2/
International macro was a bit better because Rudi Dornbusch's work kept sticky-price macro respectable. But even so you had to frame your work as being abt exchange rates or financial crises and hope people didn't notice the Keynesian core 3/
As I wrote elsewhere, central bank research depts kept the forbidden knowledge alive — "If we’re living in a Dark Age of macroeconomics, central banks have been its monasteries, hoarding and studying the ancient texts lost to the rest of the world." 4/ https://princeton.edu/~pkrugman/keynes_and_the_moderns.pdf
Truly a sad story all around. And still not over 5/

ちなみに冒頭のSahmのツイートは、ジョン・スタインソン(Jon Steinsson)とのFRBのインフレ対応を巡る論争の後記とでも言うべき連続ツイートの一つで、当該ツイートの前後では以下のようなツイートを行っている。

I try to do the impossible. make macro accessible and fun, most clearly reflected in my tweeting. AND maintain my creds as an expert. I have taken a hit on the latter since 2020, especially in academic macro. Fed people largely forgive or ignore me. though I can never go back.
I've been angry at academic macro since 2008 when I realized much of my PhD training in macro theory was useless and deeply misguided. most important thing I got at Michigan was a deep respect for data, all kinds of data. learned how to use them at the Fed and real-world macro.
as for the can't go back to the Fed staff, that's harder to explain. told my boss once that I wanted to be a cog -- no staffer is irreplaceable and all are part of a machine -- but I wanted to be a shiny cog. he rolled his eyes. I am too shiny now, for better and often for worse.
PS there is a weird tension (often tinged with disrespect) between academic macro and Fed macro. I saw it right away when I got to the Board. I didn't quite understand it, but that didn't take long. I am vocal about it now. academic macro has done immense damage in the world.
PPS an academic macro is absolutely, totally oblivious to it. you all can see it in public. grrrrrr. but I can assure you behind closed doors it's often worse. whatever, there is good macro happening in the ivory tower and outside it. I try to bridge but not always easy on me.