
というAER掲載予定論文をタイラー・コーエンが紹介している。論文の原題は「Methods Matter: P-Hacking and Publication Bias in Causal Analysis in Economics」で、著者はAbel Brodeur、Nikolai Cook、Anthony Heyes(いずれもオタワ大)。

The credibility revolution in economics has promoted causal identification using randomized control trials (RCT), difference-in-differences (DID), instrumental variables (IV) and regression discontinuity design (RDD). Applying multiple approaches to over 21,000 hypothesis tests published in 25 leading economics journals we find that the extent of p-hacking and publication bias varies greatly by method. IV (and to a lesser extent DID) are particularly problematic. We find no evidence that: (1) Papers published in the ‘Top 5’ journals are different to others; (2) The journal ‘revise and resubmit’ process mitigates the problem; (3) Things are improving through time.

コーエンはさらに、この論文を巡る「場外戦」を紹介している。ESADEビジネススクールUri Simonsohnが、自分がこの論文の査読者の一人であることを明らかにした上で、こちらのブログで論文に疑義を呈し、それに著者たちが反論したのである。コーエン自身は、まだどちらが正しいか判断が付かない、という姿勢を示している。




という論文をタイラー・コーエンが紹介している。論文の原題は「Social Revolution and Authoritarian Durability」で、著者はJean Lachapelle(V-dem研究所*1)Steven Levitsky(ハーバード大)、Lucan A. Way(トロント大)、Adam E. Casey(ミシガン大)。

This article explores the causes of authoritarian durability. Why do some authoritarian regimes survive for decades, often despite severe crises, while others collapse quickly, even absent significant challenges? Based on an analysis of all authoritarian regimes between 1900 and 2015, the authors argue that regimes founded in violent social revolution are especially durable. Revolutionary regimes, such as those in Russia, China, Cuba, and Vietnam, endured for more than half a century in the face of strong external pressure, poor economic performance, and large-scale policy failures. The authors develop and test a theory that accounts for such durability using a novel data set of revolutionary regimes since 1900. The authors contend that autocracies that emerge out of violent social revolution tend to confront extraordinary military threats, which lead to the development of cohesive ruling parties and powerful and loyal security apparatuses, as well as to the destruction of alternative power centers. These characteristics account for revolutionary regimes’ unusual longevity.
本稿は専制体制の持続性の原因を追究する。専制体制には何十年も続くものがあり、その中には深刻な危機にもかかわらず存続するものが少なくない一方で、重大な困難が無い場合でも急速に崩壊するものがあるのはなぜなのか? 1900年から2015年までの全ての専制体制の分析に基づき、著者たちは、暴力的な社会革命で築かれた体制は特に耐性が高い、と論じる。ロシア、中国、キューバベトナムのような革命体制は、強い外圧や乏しい経済実績や大規模な政治的失敗の下で、半世紀以上続いた。著者たちは、1900年以降の革命体制に関する新たなデータセットを用い、そうした耐性を説明する理論を構築し、検証した。暴力的な社会革命から出現した独裁体制は、大いなる軍事的脅威に直面しがちであり、それによって団結力の強い与党と、強力かつ忠実な安全機構が出来上がると共に、代替的な権力の中核は破壊される。以上の特性が、革命体制の非常な長寿を説明する。


というNBER論文が上がっている。原題は「The Fed Takes on Corporate Credit Risk: An Analysis of the Efficacy of the SMCCF」で、著者はSimon Gilchrist(NYU)、Bin Wei(アトランタ連銀)、Vivian Z. Yue(エモリー大)、Egon Zakrajšek(FRB)。

We evaluate the efficacy of the Secondary Market Corporate Credit Facility (SMCCF), a program designed to stabilize the corporate bond market in the wake of the Covid-19 shock. The Fed announced the SMCCF on March 23 and expanded the program on April 9. Regression discontinuity estimates imply that these announcements reduced credit spreads on bonds eligible for purchase 70 basis points. We refine this analysis by constructing a sample of bonds—issued by the same set of companies—which differ in their SMCCF eligibility. A diff-in-diff analysis shows that both announcements had large effects on credit spreads, narrowing spreads 20 basis points on eligible bonds relative to their ineligible counterparts within the same set of issuers across the two announcement periods. The March 23 announcement also reduced bid-ask spreads ten basis points within ten days of the announcement. By lowering credit spreads and improving liquidity, the April 9 announcement had an especially pronounced effect on “fallen angels.” The actual purchases lowered credit spreads by an additional five basis points and bid-ask spreads by two basis points. These results confirm that the SMCCF made it easier for companies to borrow in the corporate bond market.


というNBER論文をCoibionとGorodnichenkoのコンビらが上げているungated版)。原題は「Communication and the Beliefs of Economic Agents」で、著者はBernardo Candia(UCバークレー)、Olivier Coibion(テキサス大オースティン校)、Yuriy Gorodnichenko(UCバークレー)。

New surveys provide a wealth of information on how economic agents form their expectations and how those expectations shape their decisions. We review recent evidence on how changes in macroeconomic expectations, particularly inflation expectations, affect households’ and firms’ actions. We show that the provision of information about inflation to households and firms can sometimes backfire in terms of their subsequent decisions. Whether or not this is the case hinges on how individuals interpret the news about inflation: supply-side interpretations (“inflation is bad for the economy”) lead to negative income effects, which can depress economic activity. We show that households in advanced economies, unlike professional forecasters, typically have such a supply-side interpretation, as do many firms. New communication strategies could avoid public misinterpretation of policy decisions.

「新たなコミュニケーション戦略」についてungated版の結論部では以下のように書かれている(cf. ここで紹介した論文)。

In particular, we propose that central bankers focus on simple, transparent and “holistic” messages to the broader public. Simplicity and transparency are needed to break through the veil of inattention. A holistic approach is needed to ensure that desired effects are not confounded with unintended income or information effects. This is especially true when it comes to inflation and monetary policy, topics that the public is notoriously uninformed about. Emphasizing the desired outcomes, rather than the instruments or the mechanisms, provides a way to inform in an effective manner.


というNBER論文が上がっている昨年末時点のWP)。原題は「Correcting for Misclassified Binary Regressors Using Instrumental Variables」で、著者はSteven J. Haider(ミシガン州立大)、Melvin Stephens Jr.(ミシガン大)。

Estimators that exploit an instrumental variable to correct for misclassification in a binary regressor typically assume that the misclassification rates are invariant across all values of the instrument. We show that this assumption is invalid in routine empirical settings. We derive a new estimator that is consistent when misclassification rates vary across values of the instrumental variable. In cases where identification is weak, our moments can be combined with bounds to provide a confidence set for the parameter of interest.


というフィンランド銀行論文をMostly Economicsが紹介している(著者によるオックスフォード大法学部ブログエントリ)。原題は「Growing up under Mao and Deng: On the ideological determinants of corporate policies」で、著者はHao Liang(シンガポールマネージメント大)、Rong Wang(同)、Haikun Zhu(エラスムスロッテルダム大)。

Economic activities have always been organized around certain ideologies, yet little is known about how ideology shapes corporate behavior and how it is different from other political forces. We investigate the impact of politicians’ ideology on corporate policies by exploring a unique setting of ideological change in China from Mao’s ideology to Deng’s around 1978. Using textual analysis based on keywords in People’s Daily, we find a discontinuity in ideological exposure among people who later became city mayors. Those who were at least 18 years old in 1978 and had joined the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) are more likely to have adopted Mao’s ideology, and those who did not join by 1978, due to age limit, but joined soon thereafter were more likely to have adopted Deng’s ideology.
This ideological difference has had an enduring effect on contemporary firm and city policies. Firms in cities governed by mayors with Mao’s ideology have made more social contributions, lowered within-firm pay inequality, and pursued less internationalization than those with Deng’s. These effects are stronger in firms with political connections, less state ownership, and more government subsidies as well as in regions that are more market-oriented and not “revolutionary bases.” Our results are robust to OLS regressions with various pair fixed effects besides regression discontinuity. We further find that corporate policies promoted by Mao’s ideology are associated with slower firm growth but greater stakeholder engagement.


少し前に「ベーカー仮説」というネオリベ的な改革の効能を評価した論文を紹介したが、ワシントンコンセンサスの効能を改めて評価した同趣旨のJournal of Comparative Economics論文をタイラー・コーエンが紹介している。論文のタイトルは「The Washington Consensus Works: Causal Effects of Reform, 1970-2015」で、著者はテキサス工科大のKevin B.GrierとRobin M.Grier。

  • Sustained economic reform significantly raises real GDP per capita over a 5- to 10-year horizon.
  • Despite the unpopularity of the Washington Consensus, its policies reliably raise average incomes.
  • Countries that had sustained reform were 16% richer 10 years later.


  • 持続的な経済改革は5から10年の期間において一人当たり実質GDPを有意に引き上げる。
  • ワシントンコンセンサスは不人気だが、その政策は平均所得を確実に引き上げる。
  • 持続的な改革を実施した国は10年後に16%裕福度が増す。


Traditional policy reforms of the type embodied in the Washington Consensus have been out of academic fashion for decades. However, we are not aware of a paper that convincingly rejects the efficacy of these reforms. In this paper, we define generalized reform as a discrete, sustained jump in an index of economic freedom, whose components map well onto the points of the old consensus. We identify 49 cases of generalized reform in our dataset that spans 141 countries from 1970 to 2015. The average treatment effect associated with these reforms is positive, sizeable, and significant over 5- and 10- year windows. The result is robust to different thresholds for defining reform and different estimation methods. We argue that the policy reform baby was prematurely thrown out with the neoliberal bathwater.

なお、コーエンは論文の紹介エントリの最後に、このGrier夫妻を引き合わせたのは自分だ、と書いている。ちなみに夫のKevin B.Grierは、本ブログでも何回か取り上げたこちらのブログのAngusである。