少し前に「ベーカー仮説」というネオリベ的な改革の効能を評価した論文を紹介したが、ワシントンコンセンサスの効能を改めて評価した同趣旨のJournal of Comparative Economics論文をタイラー・コーエンが紹介している。論文のタイトルは「The Washington Consensus Works: Causal Effects of Reform, 1970-2015」で、著者はテキサス工科大のKevin B.GrierとRobin M.Grier。
- Sustained economic reform significantly raises real GDP per capita over a 5- to 10-year horizon.
- Despite the unpopularity of the Washington Consensus, its policies reliably raise average incomes.
- Countries that had sustained reform were 16% richer 10 years later.
- 持続的な経済改革は5から10年の期間において一人当たり実質GDPを有意に引き上げる。
- ワシントンコンセンサスは不人気だが、その政策は平均所得を確実に引き上げる。
- 持続的な改革を実施した国は10年後に16%裕福度が増す。
Traditional policy reforms of the type embodied in the Washington Consensus have been out of academic fashion for decades. However, we are not aware of a paper that convincingly rejects the efficacy of these reforms. In this paper, we define generalized reform as a discrete, sustained jump in an index of economic freedom, whose components map well onto the points of the old consensus. We identify 49 cases of generalized reform in our dataset that spans 141 countries from 1970 to 2015. The average treatment effect associated with these reforms is positive, sizeable, and significant over 5- and 10- year windows. The result is robust to different thresholds for defining reform and different estimation methods. We argue that the policy reform baby was prematurely thrown out with the neoliberal bathwater.
なお、コーエンは論文の紹介エントリの最後に、このGrier夫妻を引き合わせたのは自分だ、と書いている。ちなみに夫のKevin B.Grierは、本ブログでも何回か取り上げたこちらのブログのAngusである。