
というNBER論文が上がっている。原題は「COVID-19 Is Also a Reallocation Shock」で、著者はJose Maria Barrero(メキシコ自治工科大)、Nicholas Bloom(スタンフォード大)、Steven J. Davis(シカゴ大)。こちらで紹介した不確実性指数で有名な研究者Scott R. Baker、Nicholas Bloom、Steven J. Davisのうち2人が名前を連ねている。また、この論文の内容はForbesでも取り上げられているほか(日本語訳はここここ)、日本の経済学者も概要を紹介している(ここここ)。

Drawing on firm-level expectations at a one-year forecast horizon in the Survey of Business Uncertainty (SBU), we construct novel, forward-looking reallocation measures for jobs and sales. These measures rise sharply after February 2020, reaching rates in April that are 2.4 (3.9) times the pre-COVID average for jobs (sales). We also draw on special questions in the April SBU to quantify the near-term impact of the COVID-19 shock on business staffing. We find 3 new hires for every 10 layoffs caused by the shock and estimate that 42 percent of recent layoffs will result in permanent job loss. Our survey evidence aligns well with anecdotal evidence of large pandemic-induced demand increases at some firms, with contemporaneous evidence on gross business formation, and with a sharp pandemic-induced rise in equity return dispersion across firms. After developing the evidence, we consider implications of our evidence for the economic outlook and for policy responses to the pandemic. Unemployment benefit levels that exceed worker earnings, policies that subsidize employee retention, occupational licensing restrictions, and regulatory barriers to business formation will impede reallocation responses to the COVID-19 shock.

*1:cf. ここ

*2:本文を見ると、米国納税者番号(Employer Identification Number)申請(cf. 日本語解説)を基にしたHigh-propensity Business Applicationsデータ(cf. センサス局の用語集)を参照している。




  1. 政府債務の対GDP比率の増加幅が、現在の予想(20ー30%程度)よりも大きくなる
  2. 国債の発行増などによって中立金利(=経済を潜在能力の水準に保つ実質安全利子率)が上昇する
  3. 金融政策に対する財政支配


一方、グッドハートと共著者のManoj Pradhanは、2021年に5%以上、ひょっとすると10%台のインフレが生じると予想し、その理由として以下の3つを挙げている。

  1. QEの時にも高インフレが懸念されたが、その懸念は当たらなかった。しかし、QEでは注入されたマネーが超過準備の形で銀行システム内に留まり、インフレに関係するより広義の貨幣集計量に浸透していかなかったのに対し、今日の政策では広義の貨幣集計量を直接増やす形でキャッシュフローの注入が行われている。
  2. 世界経済は速やかにコロナ発生前の水準に戻るだろう。その回復スピードが速いほど、現在の政策による現金注入は景気を押し上げるものとなる。
  3. 世界経済における中国の役割は、かつてのデフレの輸出者から今はより中立的なものに変わっており、今後はインフレ的な存在になるだろう。


  1. 政府は全ての債務を、今日の超低金利かつ可能な限り長期でファイナンスする
  2. 経済が回復したら、担税能力のある者の税金を引き上げる



CEPRの5/20付けコロナ関連論文集に収録された「In crisis, we pray: Religiosity and the Covid-19 pandemic」という論文をMostly Economicsが紹介している。著者はコペンハーゲン大のJeanet Sinding Bentzen。以下はその要旨。

In times of crisis, humans have a tendency to turn to religion for comfort and explanation. The 2020 COVID-19 pandemic is no exception. Using daily data on Google searches for 95 countries, this research demonstrates that the COVID-19 crisis has increased Google searches for prayer (relative to all Google searches) to the highest level ever recorded. More than half of the world population had prayed to end the coronavirus. The rise amounts to 50% of the previous level of prayer searches or a quarter of the fall in Google searches for flights, which dropped dramatically due to the closure of most international air transport. Prayer searches rose at all levels of income, inequality, and insecurity, but not for the 10% least religious countries. The increase is not merely a substitute for services in the physical churches that closed down to limit the spread of the virus. Instead, the rise is due to an intensified demand for religion: We pray to cope with adversity.


The 10% least religious countries are the Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Japan, the Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, Taiwan, Thailand, and Vietnam. Thus, Northern European countries, formerly communist countries (that prohibited religion), and Buddhist majority countries that were hit early by COVID-19.

宗教性の指標としては、2019年のグーグル検索や、世界価値観調査(cf. 世界価値観調査 - Wikipedia)と欧州価値観調査のサーベイ結果を用いたとのことである。


というNBER論文が上がっているungated版へのリンク)。原題は「The Contribution of Chinese Diaspora Researchers to Scientific Publications and China's "Great Leap Forward" in Global Science」で、著者はQingnan Xie(南京理工大)、Richard B. Freeman(ハーバード大)。

China-born scientists and engineers who conduct their research outside China, the diaspora researchers of our title, contributed to global science through the exceptional quantity and quality of their scientific work and through distinctive connections to China-based researchers and research. Analysis of the Scopus database of English language scientific journal articles shows that Chinese diaspora research publications are a substantial and growing proportion of global scientific publications, receive an above average number of citations per article, and are published at above average rates in high Scopus CiteScore journals. In addition, diaspora researchers helped China advance to the forefront of science through collaboration on papers with China-based researchers and through the citation network linking China-based research to research outside the country.


というNBER論文が上がっている。原題は「Accounting for Global COVID-19 Diffusion Patterns, January-April 2020」で、著者はYothin Jinjarak(ビクトリア大ウェリントン校)、Rashad Ahmed(南カリフォルニア大)、Sameer Nair-Desai(同)、Weining Xin(同)、Joshua Aizenman(同)。以下はその要旨。

This paper takes stock of the daily data gathered until April 28, 2020, tracing the associations between COVID-19 mortality and policy interventions that aim to limit social contact and containment, accounting for global pandemic diffusion patterns. A panel local projection analysis suggests that, with a lag, more stringent pandemic policies were associated with significantly lower mortality growth rates. The association between stricter pandemic policies and lower future mortality growth is more pronounced in countries with a greater proportion of the elderly population, higher density, greater proportion of employees in vulnerable occupations, greater democratic freedom, more international travels, and further distance from the equator. Countries with greater policy stringency in place prior to the first death also realized lower peak mortality rates and flatter mortality curves. Countries with greater elderly population share or with higher degrees of initial mobility had higher peak mortality rates in the first phase of the pandemic. A survival analysis of the number of days until new mortalities peak suggests that countries adopting more stringent policies early on had significantly lower durations to the first mortality peak, while mortality rates took longer to peak in countries that are considered more democratically free, and those further from the equator. More data and research are needed to achieve sharper identification of these factors.


*2:cf. 国連の定義ILOの説明


というNBER論文をCoibionとGorodnichenkoのコンビらが上げている。原題は「The Cost of the Covid-19 Crisis: Lockdowns, Macroeconomic Expectations, and Consumer Spending」で、著者はOlivier Coibion(テキサス大オースティン校)、Yuriy Gorodnichenko(UCバークレー)、Michael Weber(シカゴ大)。

We study how the differential timing of local lockdowns due to COVID-19 causally affects households’ spending and macroeconomic expectations at the local level using several waves of a customized survey with more than 10,000 respondents. About 50% of survey participants report income and wealth losses due to the corona virus, with the average losses being $5,293 and $33,482 respectively. Aggregate consumer spending dropped by 31 log percentage points with the largest drops in travel and clothing. We find that households living in counties that went into lockdown earlier expect the unemployment rate over the next twelve months to be 13 percentage points higher and continue to expect higher unemployment at horizons of three to five years. They also expect lower future inflation, report higher uncertainty, expect lower mortgage rates for up to 10 years, and have moved out of foreign stocks into liquid forms of savings. The imposition of lockdowns can account for much of the decline in employment in recent months as well as declines in consumer spending. While lockdowns have pronounced effects on local economic conditions and households’ expectations, they have little impact on approval ratings of Congress, the Fed, or the Treasury but lead to declines in the approval of the President.
我々は、10,000人以上の回答者からなる何回かに分けて実施した独自のサーベイを用い、COVID-19による地域のロックダウンのタイミングの違いが、地域レベルの家計支出とマクロ経済予想に結果としてどのように影響するかを調べた。サーベイ参加者の約50%がコロナウイルスによる所得と資産の損失を報告しており、それぞれ平均5,293ドルと33,482 ドルだった。全体の消費者支出は31対数パーセンテージポイント低下し、最大の低下は旅行と衣類であった。早くロックダウンを実施した郡の家計は、今後12ヶ月の失業率を13パーセンテージポイント高く予想しており、今後3年から5年の期間についてもより高い失業率を予想していた。彼らはまた、今後10年までについて、より低い将来のインフレを予想し、より高い不確実性を報告し、より低い不動産金利を予想し、外国株を手仕舞いして流動性の高い貯蓄形態に移行していた。ロックダウンの実施は、ここ数ヶ月の雇用の低下ならびに消費支出の減少のかなりの割合を説明できる。ロックダウンは地域の経済状態と家計の予想に顕著な影響を与えた一方で、議会やFRB財務省の支持率にはあまり影響しなかった。だが、大統領への支持率の低下にはつながった。


It is beyond the scope of this paper to establish whether this economic cost is sufficiently small to justify lockdown policies that likely save many thousands of lives. However, our analysis should inform policymakers about at least one part of the tradeoff they face because these costs are relevant in thinking about how long to maintain lockdown policies, especially since the costs are likely increasing with duration. The significant costs that we identify suggest that policymakers should be wary of focusing only on the benefits of lockdown policies and not carefully weighing them against their costs. Our analysis should also provide input for policies aimed to mitigate the consequences of the COVID recession. For example, we document that many households effectively default on their debt payments and rents which can start a wave of bankruptcies and evictions and thus delay the recovery. Low expectations for inflation and mortgage interest rates will likely limit the power of monetary policy. While households expect normalcy to return within six months, the ferocity and speed of this storm is such that the damage may be rather persistent. To avoid adverse hysteresis-like scenarios, policymakers may have to consider less conventional measures such as extended periods of fiscal stimulus, debt forgiveness, taking stakes in businesses (including financial institutions), and more aggressive quantitative easing.


というNBER論文をトーマス・サージェントらが上げているungated版)。論文の原題は「Debt and Taxes in Eight U.S. Wars and Two Insurrections」で、著者はGeorge J. Hall(ブランダイス大)、Thomas J. Sargent(NYU)。

From decompositions of U.S. federal fiscal accounts from 1790 to 1988, we describe differences and patterns in how expenditure surges were financed during 8 wars between 1812 and 1975. We also study two insurrections. We use two benchmark theories of optimal taxation and borrowing to frame a narrative of how government decision makers reasoned and learned about how to manage a common set of forces that bedeviled them during all of the wars, forces that included interest rate risks, unknown durations of expenditure surges, government creditors' debt dilution fears, and temptations to use changes in units of account and inflation to restructure debts. Ex post real rates of return on government securities are a big part of our story.

8つの戦争とは、米英戦争米墨戦争南北戦争米西戦争第一次世界大戦第二次世界大戦朝鮮戦争ベトナム戦争である。2つの内乱とは、独立戦争南部連合国の分離独立(=南部から見た南北戦争)である。戦時の最適ファイナンスに関する2つの理論とは、Barro(1979)Lucas and Stokey(1983)である。