
というNBER論文をトーマス・サージェントらが上げているungated版)。論文の原題は「Debt and Taxes in Eight U.S. Wars and Two Insurrections」で、著者はGeorge J. Hall(ブランダイス大)、Thomas J. Sargent(NYU)。

From decompositions of U.S. federal fiscal accounts from 1790 to 1988, we describe differences and patterns in how expenditure surges were financed during 8 wars between 1812 and 1975. We also study two insurrections. We use two benchmark theories of optimal taxation and borrowing to frame a narrative of how government decision makers reasoned and learned about how to manage a common set of forces that bedeviled them during all of the wars, forces that included interest rate risks, unknown durations of expenditure surges, government creditors' debt dilution fears, and temptations to use changes in units of account and inflation to restructure debts. Ex post real rates of return on government securities are a big part of our story.

8つの戦争とは、米英戦争米墨戦争南北戦争米西戦争第一次世界大戦第二次世界大戦朝鮮戦争ベトナム戦争である。2つの内乱とは、独立戦争南部連合国の分離独立(=南部から見た南北戦争)である。戦時の最適ファイナンスに関する2つの理論とは、Barro(1979)Lucas and Stokey(1983)である。