
というNBER論文が上がっている。原題は「Does Defensive Gun Use Deter Crime?」で、著者はJohn J. Donohue、Alex Oktay、Amy L. Zhang、Matthew Benavides(いずれもスタンフォードロースクール)。

We study the opposing deterrent and enabling effects of guns carried by law-abiding citizens on violent crime, using the location of shooting ranges as an instrument. Our incident-level data based on admittedly imperfect data from the Gun Violence Archive suggests that defensive gun use (DGU) by crime victims may decrease the probability of their injury or death, while increasing the risk of death or injury by the criminal suspects. However, in the aggregate, higher numbers of defensive gun uses—which proxies for more gun carrying and use—are associated with higher numbers of violent crimes, injuries, and fatalities among victims and suspects alike. We hypothesize that this equilibrium effect arises because more guns being carried and used by citizens produce more incentive and opportunities for criminals to acquire guns, leading to a commensurate increase in the incidence and lethality of crime. In summary, our analysis supports the conclusion that the widespread carrying and use of guns is overall more likely to enable violent crimes than to deter them.

銃の増加による予期せぬ結果の増加:米国の都市において銃携帯の権利が犯罪的行動と警察行動に与える影響 - himaginary’s diaryではドノヒューによる別の共著者たちとの似たようなテーマのNBER論文を紹介したが、銃携帯が犯罪の抑止よりも助長に帰結する、という結論は共通している。ドノヒューはまた、1970年代初めの中絶の合法化が1990年代の犯罪の減少に重要な役割を果たした、という物議を醸した論文の著者(共著者はスティーヴン・レビット(Steven D. Levitt))でもある(cf. 中絶の合法化が過去20年間の犯罪に与えた影響 - himaginary’s diary)。