Autorらの研究以降、貿易自由化の悪影響を論じることが流行りになる兆しが見えているが、そうした悪影響として犯罪の増加を取り上げた表題のNBER論文が上がっている(ungated版[昨年初め時点のWP])。タイトル通り、米国ではなくブラジルの話で、原題は「Economic Shocks and Crime: Evidence from the Brazilian Trade Liberalization」となっている。著者はRafael Dix-Carneiro(デューク大)、Rodrigo R. Soares(コロンビア大)、Gabriel Ulyssea(リオデジャネイロ・カトリック大)。
This paper studies the effect of changes in economic conditions on crime. We exploit the 1990s trade liberalization in Brazil as a natural experiment generating exogenous shocks to local economies. We document that regions exposed to larger tariff reductions experienced a temporary increase in crime following liberalization. Next, we investigate through what channels the trade-induced economic shocks may have affected crime. We show that the shocks had significant effects on potential determinants of crime, such as labor market conditions, public goods provision, and income inequality. We propose a novel framework exploiting the distinct dynamic responses of these variables to obtain bounds on the effect of labor market conditions on crime. Our results indicate that this channel accounts for 75 to 93 percent of the effect of the trade-induced shocks on crime.
We show that deteriorations in labor market conditions in Brazil are strongly associated with increases in homicide rates, while the previous literature on developed countries found robust effects of labor market conditions only on property (non-violent) crime, and a zero effect on homicides.