こちらのツイートを目にして、そういえばマイルズ・キンボールが表題のNBER論文を最近上げていたことを思い出したので、紹介しておく(ungated版へのリンクがある著者の一人のページ)。原題は「Seniority」で、著者はMiles S. Kimball(コロラド大学ボルダー校)、DongIk Kang(韓国租税財政研究院[Korea Institute of Public Finance=KPIF])。
This paper studies the optimal wage structure of a firm with imperfect monitoring of worker effort. We find that when firms can commit to (implicit) long-term contracts, imperfect monitoring leads to optimal wage profiles that reflect worker seniority. We provide a precise measure of seniority as a ratio of co-state variables and illustrate how this measure of seniority evolves over the worker’s tenure with the firm and how it affects wages, effort, monitoring intensity and separation rates. We also show how earnings loss from unemployment reflects seniority and how optimal monitoring intensity, amenities and on-the-job training evolve with seniority.