
というNBER論文をアセモグルらが上げているungated版)。原題は「Mistrust, Misperception, and Misunderstanding: Imperfect Information and Conflict Dynamics」で、著者はDaron Acemoglu(MIT)、Alexander Wolitzky(同)。

Building on theories of international relations, we analyze how mistrust (uncertainty about an adversary's preferences or capabilities), misperception (imperfect observation of an adversary's actions), and misunderstanding (non-degenerate higher-order beliefs) can lead to conflict and drive its dynamics. We develop our analysis in the context of three classic models: a one-shot security dilemma or spiral model; a repeated version of the security dilemma that allows for gradual learning about the opponent's type, as well as the possibility of conflict spirals, traps, and cycles; and a deterrence model. We relate these models to the empirical literature and to current and historical episodes of conflict.

*1:本文では「Misunderstanding entails that the players' higher-order belief -- their beliefs about their opponent's beliefs about their own actions and/or type -- are non-degenerate.」と説明されている。ゲーム理論の「degenerate」の意味については例えば「On testing degeneracy of bi-matrix games」参照。

*2:本文では「Following these classical thinkers, the general position that fear or mistrust is a primary cause of conflict -- even between parties that would prefer to avoid it -- is alternately known as Thucydides' trap, the Hobbesian trap, the security dilemma, or the spiral model.」のようにトゥキュディデスの罠やホッブズの罠と同列の形で説明されている。

*3:本文ではその3つの紛争の展開について「These dynamics include the possibility of conflict spirals (extended periods of conflict resulting from a single misperception), traps (permanent conflict spirals), and cycles (recurrent spirals interspersed with extended periods of peace).」と説明されている。