
今回のハマスの蛮行は世界を震撼させたが、なぜそこまでの残虐行為を行ったかを考えると、イスラエルにガザ侵攻を余儀なくさせるためではないか、という仮説が一つ考えられる。そこで「Hamas trap」でぐぐってみると、同様の仮説を立てている記事に幾つか行き当たったので、引用してみる。
まずは、USAIDに在籍していたR. David Hardenによる10/11付けNYT論説記事からの引用。

Hamas knew that the attack on Saturday would give Mr. Netanyahu little choice but to retaliate with a ground invasion, and it knows that the Israel Defense Forces’ technology and military superiority would offer little advantage on the crowded streets of Gaza City; in Jabalia, Gaza’s largest refugee camp; or through Hamas’s labyrinth of underground tunnels. Gaza, 140 square miles with a population of more than two million, is one of the most densely populated places on earth.
It appears Hamas wants to draw Israeli soldiers into a quagmire, as Hezbollah did in Southern Lebanon from 1985 to 2000. After years of fighting, Israel suffered a humiliating and chaotic withdrawal, leaving an empowered and threatening Hezbollah on its northern border.

次に、アラブ湾岸諸国研究所(Arab Gulf States Institute*1)のHussein Ibish*2による10/13付けThe Atlantic記事の冒頭。

It’s a trap. Hamas’s ruthless and spectacular attack on southern Israel last Saturday was many things: an atrocity, a display of militant ingenuity, and a demonstration of the weakness of Israeli intelligence and defenses. Israel and the Palestinians have a long history of brutality against each other, but the Hamas killing spree outdoes anything since Israeli-controlled Christian militias massacred unarmed Palestinian refugees in the Sabra and Shatila refugee camps outside of Beirut in 1982. It may even have been the single most brutal act by either side in the 100-year-old conflict. But above all, it was intended as a trap—one that Israel appears about to fall into.


Israel’s apparent eagerness to fall into this trap is understandable, and indeed predictable, which is why Hamas was confident in laying it. Outrageous overreach by terrorists typically aims to provoke overreach. Washington and other friends of Israel who are now seized with sympathy should immediately caution Israel not to make this blunder. If Israel instead exercises restraint, however difficult doing so might be both politically and emotionally, it can thwart the goals of Hamas and its Iranian sponsors.


Tom Porterによる10/13付けビジネスインサイダー記事でインタビューに応じた元MI6長官のアレックス・ヤンガー(Alex Younger*3)は、その点を以下のように簡潔に指摘している。

"But here's the thing, you shouldn't do what your enemy wants you to do," said Younger.


"And it's really obvious now that Hamas are essentially laying a trap for Israel," said Younger.
"And [it] will be well pleased if Israel commits itself to an open-ended, full-scale ground invasion of Gaza because of the scale and intensity of conflict that that would entail, and the loss of innocent life that would inevitably follow and the radicalization that would engender, and the extent to which will put Israel's allies and partners in the region in an impossible position."