
というNBER論文が上がっている。原題は「An Import(ant) Price of Brexit Uncertainty*1」で、著者はAlejandro Graziano(ノッティンガム大)、Kyle Handley(UCサンディエゴ)、Nuno Limão(ジョージタウン大)*2

We estimate the impact of trade policy uncertainty (TPU) on CES import price indices, focusing on the implications of Britain's exit from the European Union (Brexit). Our analysis reveals that an increase in the probability of Brexit increases U.K. import price indices by raising the prices of existing products and by reducing product variety from the E.U. We find evidence that the risk of higher import protection from the 2016 referendum increased current import price indices by more than 10%. This amounted to a 2 log point increase in manufactured goods prices and a 0.6 log point decrease in consumers' real income.


*2:ブレグジットの不確実性と貿易の崩壊 - himaginary’s diary」で紹介した論文(掲載版=Brexit Uncertainty and Trade Disintegration | The Economic Journal | Oxford Academic)の著者に同じ。

*3:対数ポイントについては例えばHow I wish we measured percentage change | Human Economics参照。