
利上げ時のインフレと失業率には因果関係はあるのか? - himaginary’s diary」で紹介したブランシャールとライスの議論について、ブランシャールが以下のように自分の見解をまとめている

1. Triggered by the exchange with @R2Rsquared @AngelUbide, @Guido_Lorenzoni and others: The discussion was at the core of macro. The nature of the determinants of the price level is THE fundamental issue in thinking about short run fluctuations, not a marginal or esoteric issue.
2. Without nominal rigidities, the price level would indeed behave like an asset price, reacting to future changes in monetary and fiscal policies. John Cochrane would be (largely 😊) right. Shifts in aggregate demand would be absorbed automatically by changes in interest rates.
3. With nominal rigidities, price level dynamics are fundamentally changed. Movements in the price level are determined by the uncoordinated attempts of price/wage setters to establish the right relative prices for them. The price level is an incidental outcome of those decisions
4. If you accept that nominal rigidities exist and are a near inevitable implication of a large number of price setters setting prices in a unit of account, this entirely shapes your view of short run macroeconomic evolutions. They are the root assumption behind modern macro.


The amazing thing about this debate is that it's the same debate we've been having for almost 50 years, since Olivier and I were grad students 1/
It has almost never been a debate about evidence, because the evidence for short-run sticky prices, set in an uncoordinated fashion — and against the view that central banks can drive prices without real effects — has always been overwhelming 2/
But much of academic macro has been taken over by economists who believe that in a world of rational actors things shouldn't be like that, and therefore they aren't 3/
There's a strong temptation to rationalize away that view, say by saying that they're only talking about a nonlinear Phillips curve or something. But there is in fact a fundamental intellectual divide 4/