BIS Quarterly Reviewの12月号の特集記事(Special features)の一つで、金融政策が民間部門の債務返済比率に与える影響についての研究結果を示している(H/T Mostly Economics)。記事のタイトルは「Is there a debt service channel of monetary transmission?」で、著者はBoris Hofmann(BIS)、Gert Peersman(ゲント大)。
Previous research has explored the impact of private sector debt service ratios (DSRs), ie debt payments relative to income, on medium-term macroeconomic outcomes. This special feature, based on a study of 18 economies, finds that monetary policy shocks, in turn, have a significant impact on DSRs. We show that a monetary tightening leads to a significant and persistent increase in DSRs, with higher effective lending rates on the stock of debt outweighing a decline in the debt-to-income ratio. Moreover, the impact of monetary policy shocks on DSRs, as well as on economic activity, the price level, house prices and credit, turns out to be significantly larger in high-debt economies. These findings point to the existence of a debt service channel of monetary transmission.