Dear Ricardo,
I am puzzled. For me, the increase in unemployment is causal, not a side effect, for inflation. Do you mean to say that, if we could avoid the side effect, we could decrease inflation without higher unemployment?
I should clarify. Inflation can obviously move a lot without movements in unemployment. We have seen that, and this is the focus of my paper with Bernanke. My reaction to Reis was in the context of higher inflation not due to price shocks .
Hi @ojblanchard1, yes I do mean that. And indeed that has happened before, not just in the last 12 months.
It is not common, as neither is the complete absence of any side effects from antibiotics (continuing my analogy).
Why raising interest rates lowers inflation, and usually (but may not) raises unemployment 🧵
When the CB raises nominal interest rates, agents want to save more in nominal vehicles as opposed to real ones. The relative value of nominal vs real must rise. Inflation must fall.
This happens as: (i) banks want to deposit more at the CB rather than lend to projects, (ii) investors and firms prefer to park resources in nominal accounts rather than invest them in real projects, (iii) households prefer nominal savings instead of buying durables or others
All of these--less lending, less investment, less spending--often will raise unemployment, but that is a side effect, not the causal channel.
Usually u will rise when i rises (and I expect it will soon), but this is not necessary for pi to fall.
As an example, take the canonical 3-equation NK model, since it is at the heart of most monetary DSGEs. Contractionary monetary policy lowers inflation *regardless of price* rigidity.
If prices are sticky or the policy surprises agents, you get lower output as a side effect.
If prices are flexible or the policy is fully anticipated, you do not, unemployment does not rise.
The strength of the side effect from interest rates to real activity depends on information and price rigidities in that model. But the channel to inflation is there either way.
But is this just in that one model?
@lcastillomart survey goes through the 5 main mechanisms that economists use to understand how monetary policy affects inflation. The causal link from unemployment to inflation is just one of them: the last one we cover, in section 7.
The channel I described above is my favored, and is covered in section 3. But monetarist channels going back to MV=PY do not rely on unemployment rising (section 4), nor do some of the more recent fiscal channels (section 5). Even if both (all?) have it as a common side effect
Paper here: https://personal.lse.ac.uk/reisr/papers/99-perplexed.pdf
Following on discussion and questions from @ojblanchard1 and on this good thread:Reading this from @R2Rsquared; I'm happy to grant that we should ditch the notion of the Phillips Curve as a causal-story tool for setting unemployment to reach target inflation, but then what is the path from interest rate policy to lower near-term measured inflation? pic.twitter.com/88W8PJA7hI
— Alex Williams (@vebaccount) 2023年8月11日
これが生じるのは、次のことが起きるからである:(i) 銀行は事業への融資を行うよりも中銀にもっと預金したいと思う、(ii) 投資家と企業は資源を実質事業に投資するよりも名目勘定に留め置くことを選好する、(iii) 家計は耐久財などを買うよりも名目貯蓄を選好する。
ローラ・カスティロ-マルチネス(Laura Castillo-Martinez)のサーベイでは、金融政策がインフレにどのように影響するかを理解するために経済学者が使う5つの主要なメカニズムを取り上げている。失業率からインフレへの因果関係はそのうちの一つに過ぎない。我々の論文の最後、第7節で取り上げたものだ。
1. Looking at Ricardo's answer to my puzzled reaction. I realize that an important difference between the way he and I think. (And, more generally, this difference is behind many discussions in macro. For example, in assessing John Cochrane’s fiscal theory of the price level).
2. He thinks of the price level very much as an asset price
I think of the price level as the result of millions of uncoordinated nominal price decisions by individual price setters, who do not care about the price level, but care about their relative price.
3. In my way of thinking, the only way to get inflation down (leaving out happy commodity price shocks, etc) is to induce price/wage setters to want to decrease their relative price/wage, leading to a general adjustment of nominal prices, and a slowing of inflation.
4. Short of a direct effect on inflation expectations, or mind control, or price/wage controls, this requires slowing down the economy, and thus increasing unemployment. To me, the increase in unemployment is causal, and needed to reduce inflation.
- 私の困惑した反応に対するリカルドの回答を見て、彼と私の考え方の重要な違いが分かった(そしてより一般的な話として、この違いは多くのマクロ経済学の議論の背後にある。例えばジョン・コクランの物価水準の財政理論の評価においてだ)。
- 彼は物価水準をかなりの程度、資産価格として考えている。
私は物価水準を、何百万という調整されていない個々の価格設定者による名目価格の決定の結果として考えている。彼らは物価水準については気にしないが、自分たちの相対価格については気にしている。- 私の考え方では、インフレを引き下げる唯一の方法は(喜ばしい商品価格ショック等を除く)、価格や賃金の設定者が自分たちの相対的な価格や賃金を下げたいと思わせるようにすることだ。これが名目価格の全般的な調整につながり、インフレを鈍化させる。
- インフレ予想への直接的な効果、ないしマインドコントロールが無ければ、これは経済の減速を必要とし、従って失業率を上昇させる。私にとって失業率の上昇は因果的なものであり、インフレを下げるのに必要なものだ。
“Mind control”! Unusually acerbic from OB, but on point. Look at sharp decline in small business inflation. Do you think they’re making price decisions based on Powell press conferences?
「マインドコントロール」! オリビエ・ブランシャールのいつにない辛辣な言葉だが、ポイントを突いている。中小企業インフレの急速な低下を見てほしい。彼らがパウエルの記者会見に基づいて価格決定を行っていると思うかい?
ライスは、「A useful reply from @ojblanchard1(ブランシャールからの有用なリプライ)」というコメントを添えてRTするとともに、以下のジョン・ステインソンのツイートもRTしている。
I am with @R2Rsquared on this. Ideally, disinflation is achieved purely through the inflation expectations and supply shock terms of the Phillips curve. Unfortunately, this doesn’t always work out perfectly. In this sense softening of the economy is a side effect.
Cute and fun simulation. But misleading if one concludes from it that there is no relation between unemployment and inflation. Four points:
If you think of the Phillips curve relation in general as the proposition that overheating must put pressure on inflation, it is hard to think that there is not such a relation, perhaps complex, perhaps time changing, in the data.
Given unemployment, there are often large good markets price shocks which affect inflation, and mess up the relation. We are seeing one such episode. These shocks need to be controlled for.
Inflation depends not just on unemployment but also very much on expected inflation, which should be controlled for.
The relation between expected inflation and past inflation has changed in major ways in the last 60 years. This must be controlled for.
So, conclusion: Stop pronouncing the Phillips curve relation dead, and don’t expect a simple inflation unemployment diagram to show much.
4点述べておく:Phillips curve tends to function in mysterious ways (over time): https://t.co/KQtbUkCtBT
— David Ubilava (@DavidUbilava) 2023年8月13日