南アフリカ準備銀行のレセチャ・クガニャゴ(Lesetja Kganyago)総裁の9/28の表題の講演(原題は「Reflections of macroeconomic policy since 1995, from NICE to VICE – and back again?」)の冒頭をMostly Economicsが紹介している。
This is an unusually challenging moment for the global macroeconomy. Who would have believed, even a year or two back, that US inflation would be at 8.3%, that euro area inflation would be at 9.1%, or that UK inflation would be at 9.9%? Who would have thought that major central banks would be raising interest rates at the fastest pace in a generation? Or that the euro and the British pound would be at parity with the dollar?
Just over a decade ago, it was common to talk about a Great Moderation in global macroeconomic conditions. Mervyn King, a former Bank of England Governor, called it the NICE period: an acronym for Non-Inflationary, Consistently Expansionary. Today it would be more appropriate to talk about VICE: a Volatile, Inflationary and Contractionary Economy.
This regime change in global conditions was reflected at last month’s Jackson Hole Economic Policy Symposium, an annual gathering of central bankers hosted by the Kansas City Fed of the US Federal Reserve System. The theme of this year’s meeting was ‘Reassessing Constraints on the Economy and Policy’. Given the humbling economic developments of the past year or so, the tone of the discussion was very different to that of previous occasions.
現在は世界のマクロ経済にいつにない難題が降りかかっている時です。1、2年前でさえ、米国のインフレが8.3%に、ユーロ圏のインフレが9.1%に、もしくは英国のインフレが9.9%になると誰が信じたでしょう? 主要な中銀がここ30年で最も速いペースで利上げをすると誰が考えたでしょう? あるいはユーロと英ポンドがドルとパリティになると?