というNBER論文が上がっている(ungated版)。原題は「Measuring the Tolerance of the State: Theory and Application to Protest」で、著者はVeli Andirin(ブラウン大)、Yusuf Neggers(ミシガン大)、Mehdi Shadmehr(ノースカロライナ大チャペルヒル校)、Jesse M. Shapiro(ハーバード大)。
We develop a measure of a regime's tolerance for an action by its citizens. We ground our measure in an economic model and apply it to the setting of political protest. In the model, a regime anticipating a protest can take a costly action to repress it. We define the regime's tolerance as the ratio of its cost of repression to its cost of protest. Because an intolerant regime will engage in repression whenever protest is sufficiently likely, a regime's tolerance determines the maximum equilibrium probability of protest. Tolerance can therefore be identified from the distribution of protest probabilities. We construct a novel cross-national database of protest occurrence and protest predictors, and apply machine-learning methods to estimate protest probabilities. We use the estimated protest probabilities to form a measure of tolerance at the country, country-year, and country-month levels. We apply the measure to questions of interest.
以下は各国の指標を示した論文のグラフ(Online Appendix Figure 5)。
Both Panel A of Figure 4, and Figure 5, suggest that there are instances in which estimated tolerance is low in countries that might commonly be regarded as free. One reason for this, following the discussion in Section 3.2, may be that when relatively few protests are recorded, the conditions for good performance of our estimator are more demanding. Consistent with this hypothesis, Online Appendix Figure 3C shows that excluding from the sample countries with relatively few alerts leads to higher mean and median estimated tolerance among countries in FITW’s highest freedom-of-assembly category.
Both Panel A of Figure 4, and Figure 5, also suggest that there are instances in which estimated tolerance is high in countries that might commonly be regarded as not free. One reason for this, following the discussion in Section 2.5, may be that some regimes that wish to prevent protest (high Li) nevertheless have little ability to do so (high ri). Consistent with this hypothesis, Figure 6 shows that, among country-years rated by FITW as least free, country-years with more recent regime change tend to have larger estimated tolerance. The difference in estimated tolerance between the two groups is statistically significant according to a regression with standard errors clustered by country (p = 0.0258) and according to a Mann-Whitney test (p < 0.0001).
*1:cf. Risk Alerts | Crisis24。
*2:cf. Freedom in the World | Freedom House。