メイド・イン・ロシア? ロシアにおける輸入代替の可能性の評価

というフィンランド銀行の論文をMostly Economicsが紹介している。原題は「Made in Russia? Assessing Russia’s potential for import substitution」で、著者は同行のHeli Simola。

Russia’s brutal military aggression on Ukraine has led to extensive economic sanctions by Western countries and the withdrawal of many foreign companies from Russian markets. The isolation of Russia from the international community has substantially restricted its access to advanced technologies and eroded the country’s economic growth potential. Our analysis suggests that Russia has fairly limited possibilities for import substitution in high-technology sectors. China, which could play a key role as an alternative source for inputs, has seen its share of Russian imports, including high-tech inputs, increase substantially in recent years. The extent to which China is willing to support Russia in the current situation remains unclear, however.