
というNBER論文が上がっているungated版)。原題は「Collateral Damage: The Impact of Shale Gas on Mortgage Lending*1」で、著者はYanyou Chen(トロント大)、James W. Roberts(デューク大)、Christopher D. Timmins(同)、Ashley Vissing(シカゴ大)。

We analyze mortgage lenders’ behavior with respect to shale gas risk during the period of the U.S. shale gas boom, which coincided with fluctuations in the U.S. housing market and increased scrutiny in the lending industry. Shale gas operations have the potential to place affected houses into technical default such that government sponsored enterprises like Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are unable to maintain them in their portfolios. We find that lenders changed from being willing to pay $814 on average to avoid one unit of shale risk before the financial distress of 2008 and subsequent increased scrutiny, to $3,137, or 1.6% of profit earned on an average mortgage, afterwards. Our approach provides an alternative to the traditional property value hedonic measurement of the disamenities associated with shale gas development by looking at the decisions of mortgage professionals.

*1:ここでのCollateral Damageは、巻き添え被害という成句と、Collateralの担保の意味とを掛けているように思われる。

*2:テクニカル・デフォルトの語義についてはここ参照。ungated版の本文では「GSE’s are prohibited from purchasing mortgages on properties engaged in industrial activities including transport or storage of toxic substances (chemicals, oil and gas products, or radioactive materials) (Law, 2011), and shale gas extraction involves a number of activities that have the potential to violate these rules, which would leave the borrower (without prior approval) in technical default.(政府支援機関は、有毒物質(薬品、石油およびガソリン製品、もしくは放射性物質)の輸送と貯蔵を含む産業活動に関与している不動産へのローンを購入することを禁じられており(ロー(2011)*)、シェールガス抽出はそうした規則を破る可能性のある数々の活動を伴う。それによって、借り手は(事前の承諾なしに)テクニカル・デフォルトに追い込まれる可能性がある。)」と説明されている(*Law, Sedgwick, “Mortgage lenders are becoming increasingly concerned with gas and oil leases associated with hydraulic fracturing,” Hydraulic Fracturing Digest, 2011.)。それに続けて「Because the primary lender is responsible if the borrower defaults due to shale extraction activities, lenders have strong incentives to precisely evaluate the risks incurred by lending to homeowners in regions with high levels of shale development.(シェールガス抽出作業によって借り手がデフォルトした場合には一次的な融資者は責任を負うため、融資者はシェール開発が活発な地域の住宅所有者に融資することによるリスクを正確に評価する強いインセンティブがある。)」とも書いている。