
というNBER論文をキドランドらが書いているungated版)。原題は「Nominal Rigidities in Debt and Product Markets」で、著者はCarlos Garriga(セントルイス連銀)、Finn E. Kydland(UCサンタバーバラ)、Roman Šustek(ロンドン大学クイーン・メアリー)。

Standard models used for monetary policy analysis rely on sticky prices. Recently, the literature started to explore also nominal debt contracts. Focusing on mortgages, this paper compares the two channels of transmission within a common framework. The sticky price channel is dominant when shocks to the policy interest rate are temporary, the mortgage channel is important when the shocks are persistent. The first channel has significant aggregate effects but small redistributive effects. The opposite holds for the second channel. Using yield curve data decomposed into temporary and persistent components, the redistributive and aggregate consequences are found to be quantitatively comparable.


In terms of policy implications for central banks, the model suggests that while persistent changes in the policy rate have a small impact on aggregate economic activity, they generate sizeable redistributions in mortgage markets. This lesson is especially pertinent in the current policy environment, in which nominal interest rates have been kept at low levels for almost a decade. The purpose of such policies was to stimulate aggregate economic activity. According to our model, the initial cut in policy rates may have fulfilled this objective, to the extent it was expected to be temporary, but the subsequent policy of keeping rates low for a substantial period of time more likely led to income and consumption redistribution than to the desired aggregate effects. As inflation followed nominal interest rates to similarly low levels, based on our model, we can infer that lenders in FRM countries gained at the expense of borrowers due to persistently low inflation rates, while in ARM countries borrowers gained at the expense of lenders due to persistently low nominal interest rates.