
というBIS論文が上がっている(H/T Mostly Economics)。原題は「Financial crises and political radicalization: How failing banks paved Hitler's path to power」で、著者は Sebastian Doerr(BIS)、Stefan Gissler(FRB)、Jose-Luis Peydro(インペリアル・カレッジ・ロンドン)、Hans-Joachim Voth(チューリッヒ大)。

Do financial crises fan the flames of fanaticism? Many have argued that the financial crisis of 2007–09 not only wrought havoc on employment and output but that its problematic aftermath of failing financial institutions, public bailouts and austerity may also have paved the way for populists around the world. We examine the canonical case of a radical movement's rise to power: Hitler's Nazi party, which took office in the wake of the severe 1931 banking crisis in Germany – a turning point in modern history.
Several cross-country studies have concluded that a link exists between financial crises and right-wing populist movements. What is still missing are studies demonstrating that a financial shock can lead to a broad-based radicalisation of the electorate, with major political consequences. It has also remained unclear how economic and financial shocks interact with cultural identity in the turn toward radicalisation.
Using newly collected data on the exposure of individual cities to the failure of Danatbank – the bank at the heart of Germany's 1931 financial crisis – we show that a financial shock led to a generalised radicalisation of the electorate. This directly helped the Nazi party to gain power. Importantly, we demonstrate that the financial shock interacted with pre-existing cultural attitudes: the surge in support for the Nazis in response to the shock was greatest in places with a previous history of antisemitism. Voters were radicalised both at the ballot box and in their actions. Once the Nazis were in power, both pogroms and deportations were more likely to occur in places worse affected by the banking crisis.
Do financial crises radicalize voters? We study Germany's 1931 banking crisis, collecting new data on bank branches and firm-bank connections. Exploiting cross- sectional variation in pre-crisis exposure to the bank at the center of the crisis, we show that Nazi votes surged in locations more affected by its failure. Radicalization in response to the shock was exacerbated in cities with a history of anti- Semitism. After the Nazis seized power, both pogroms and deportations were more frequent in places affected by the banking crisis. Our results suggest an important synergy between financial distress and cultural predispositions, with far-reaching consequences.

金融危機は狂信的行為の炎を煽るのだろうか? 2007-09年の金融危機が雇用と生産に大きな損害をもたらしただけでなく、金融機関の破綻、公的救済、および緊縮財政というその問題含みの余波が、世界のポピュリストの台頭に寄与したと論じる者は多い。我々は過激運動の政権奪取に関する典型的なケースを調べた。即ち、現代史の転換点となった、1931年のドイツの深刻な銀行危機の後に政権の座に就いたヒトラーのナチ党である。
金融危機有権者を過激化するのだろうか? 我々は1931年のドイツの銀行危機を調べるため、銀行支店ならびに企業と銀行の関係の新たなデータを収集した。危機の中心にあった銀行との危機前の関係の深さの地域ごとの違いを利用し、ナチへの投票がその銀行の破綻に影響された地域ほど大きく急増したことを我々は示す。ショックによる過激化は、反ユダヤ主義の過去がある都市ほど悪化した。ナチスの権力掌握後は、銀行危機の影響を受けた地域ほどユダヤ人への迫害と追放が頻繁に生じた。我々の結果は、重大な帰結をもたらす、金融危機と従来からの文化的傾向との間の重要なシナジー効果を示唆している。