
16日エントリで紹介した中国での日食と反乱の関係に似たテーマを扱った研究として、中国での地震と反乱の関係を扱った表題の論文が出されている(H/T 川口康平さんツイート)。原題は「Shaking Legitimacy: The Impact of Earthquakes on Conflict in Historical China」で、著者は香港中文大学のYing Bai。直近のバージョンよりも少し前のバージョン*1の方が要旨が詳細なので、そちらを引用してみる。

In historical China, because rulers ascribed their legitimacy to a heavenly mandate, natural calamities like earthquakes were seen as signs that the incumbent was unjust and his or her legitimacy weakened. To leverage the unique opportunity that this belief system provides to test the importance of legitimacy, I proxy legitimacy shock by quake-induced minor shaking (i.e., strong enough to be felt by the population but too weak to cause material damage to persons or objects) and examine its effect on political stability. The analysis yields three main findings: First, such earthquake events did indeed lead to significant political instability, with one minor shaking inducing a 25.5 percent increase in the number of conflicts between citizens and government in the subsequent 25 years. Second, this effect was much larger in regions with higher levels of ethnolinguistic fragmentation, suggesting that the legitimacy shock may have impacted instability via the channel of overcoming the problems inherent in collective action. Third, although government can mitigate the effect by improving performance (measured by disaster relief) or inculcating civil obedience through education (measured by the academies of Confucian classical learning), physical coercion (proxied by number of military garrisons) is not an efficient tool for dealing with legitimacy shock.

*1:そちらのタイトルは「Shaking Legitimacy」の部分が「Political legitimacy and stability」となっている。