
およそ1年前にバナジー=デュフロ夫妻らのコロナ感染防止に関するRCTを紹介したことがあったが、そのワクチン版(ただし対象はコロナではなく麻疹)とでも言うべき表題のNBER論文が上がっている。原題は「Selecting the Most Effective Nudge: Evidence from a Large-Scale Experiment on Immunization」で、著者はAbhijit Banerjee(MIT)、Arun G. Chandrasekhar(スタンフォード大)、Suresh Dalpath(ハリヤーナー州)、Esther Duflo(MIT)、John Floretta(J-PAL*1)、Matthew O. Jackson(スタンフォード大)、Harini Kannan(J-PAL)、Francine N. Loza(同)、Anirudh Sankar(スタンフォード大)、Anna Schrimpf(J-PAL)、 Maheshwor Shrestha(世界銀行)。

We evaluate a large-scale set of interventions to increase demand for immunization in Haryana, India. The policies under consideration include the two most frequently discussed tools—reminders and incentives—as well as an intervention inspired by the networks literature. We cross-randomize whether (a) individuals receive SMS reminders about upcoming vaccination drives; (b) individuals receive incentives for vaccinating their children; (c) influential individuals (information hubs, trusted individuals, or both) are asked to act as “ambassadors” receiving regular reminders to spread the word about immunization in their community. By taking into account different versions (or “dosages”) of each intervention, we obtain 75 unique policy combinations. We develop a new statistical technique—a smart pooling and pruning procedure—for finding a best policy from a large set, which also determines which policies are effective and the effect of the best policy. We proceed in two steps. First, we use a LASSO technique to collapse the data: we pool dosages of the same treatment if the data cannot reject that they had the same impact, and prune policies deemed ineffective. Second, using the remaining (pooled) policies, we estimate the effect of the best policy, accounting for the winner’s curse. The key outcomes are (i) the number of measles immunizations and (ii) the number of immunizations per dollar spent. The policy that has the largest impact (information hubs, SMS reminders, incentives that increase with each immunization) increases the number of immunizations by 44 % relative to the status quo. The most cost-effective policy (information hubs, SMS reminders, no incentives) increases the number of immunizations per dollar by 9.1%.

*1:Abdul Latif Jameel Poverty Action Lab - Wikipedia

...precisely because the best policy has the maximum effect relative to all other alternatives, it is also likely to be selected as best per the data when there is a positive random shock. Therefore, a naive estimate of the effect of a best policy will be too large and hence an unadjusted estimator of it will be upward biased (Andrews et al., 2019). Using a method proposed by Andrews et al. (2019), and leveraging our pruning of the set of policies from the first stage, we correct for this bias and deliver appropriate estimates for the best policy.
最善の政策は、他の選択肢すべてに比べて最大の効果を発揮するというまさにその理由によって、正のランダムショックがある場合にデータからも最善として選択される可能性が高い。そのため、最善策の効果をそのまま推計すると過大となり、未調整の推定値は上方に偏る(アンドリューズ et al., 2019[cf. ここ])。アンドリューズ et al.(2019)が提案した手法を用い、第一段階から政策集合に我々の剪定を適用することにより、我々はこのバイアスを修正し、最善の政策の適切な推計値を算出する。

*3:この接種プログラムでは麻疹も含めて5種のワクチン(BCG、3つの五種混合ワクチン(cf. Pentavalent vaccine - Wikipedia)、麻疹)を打つことになっている。