
5年近く前に本ブログでピーター・シンガーを取り上げた1999年のニューヨーカー記事を紹介したことがあったが、同誌の別の記者(Daniel A. Gross)がシンガーにインタビューし、最後に当時の記事の取り上げ方について訊いている(H/T タイラー・コーエン)。

In 1999, when you were profiled in The New Yorker, your mother was living with dementia, and you talked to Michael Specter about the money you were spending on her care. And the story suggested that there might be some disconnect between your philosophical convictions and the decisions you had to make in your own life. Is that a fair way of describing what was going on at the time?

You know, I’ve often said that I don’t consider that I’m doing everything that I should do. I don’t fully live up to the really high standard that you can see in “Famine, Affluence, and Morality,” where I suggest that the only real stopping place is when, if you gave any more, you’d be harming yourself as much as you’d be benefiting the person. That’s an incredibly demanding line, and I’ve never claimed to live up to it. I spend money on myself and my family. The money that my sister and I spent on my mother, and keeping her comfortable, at that level—there could have been better things you could have done with that. But, as I say, that’s true of many of the things that I spend money on.

I can’t think of anybody who would criticize you for doing so. But there seems to be an implicit criticism coming from yourself.

It’s not a criticism that leaves me feeling terribly guilty, but it is an acknowledgment that I’m not living to the highest possible moral standards.

Do you think of yourself as a good person?

Yes, because that invites a comparison with other people, and I think by those standards I’m a good person. But do I think of myself as an ideally good, perfect person, the perfect person, a secular saint? Definitely not.






はい。というのもそれは他人との比較の話であり、その基準では私は善人だと思います。では、私は理想的な善人、完全な人間、自他ともに認める完全な人間、世俗の聖人だと自分のことを考えていますか? 絶対に違います。





