

J.D.H. Did you read much philosophy?
M.F. None.
J.D.H. Any philosophy when you were a graduate student?
M.F. None that I recall. Not only that, I don’t recall ever having read much philosophy. Certainly about the only methodology philosophy I’ve read is Popper. I have read his Conjectures and Refutations as well as, of course, which is not methodology, The Open Society and Its Enemies. I think those are the two main things of Popper’s that I’ve read. Outside of that, I’m sure I’ve read bits and pieces of philosophy here and there, but I’ve never systematically read philosophy.
J.D.H. I noticed that in the New Palgrave Alan Walters says that in your 1953 methodology essay you introduced Popper’s philosophy of science to economics. Would that be an overstatement, then?
M.F. No. My introduction to Popper did not come from writings. I met him in person in 1947 at the first meeting of the Mont Pelerin Society, when Hayek brought a bunch of people together, and I met him at Mont Pelerin. I was very much impressed with him, and I spent a long time talking to him there. I knew about Logik der Forschung but it was in German; there was no English translation at that time. I can read a little bit of German, but it’s beyond me really, so I never read anything in original German. I didn’t read his Logik der Forschung, but I knew the basic ideas from my contact with him, and I have no doubt that that contact with him did have a good deal of influence on me.



推測と反駁-科学的知識の発展-〈新装版〉 (叢書・ウニベルシタス)

推測と反駁-科学的知識の発展-〈新装版〉 (叢書・ウニベルシタス)


開かれた社会とその敵 第1部 プラトンの呪文

開かれた社会とその敵 第1部 プラトンの呪文

*3:cf. ここ

*4:アラン・ウォルターズ - Wikipedia

*5:cf. モンペルラン・ソサイエティー - Wikipedia

*6:cf. 同会合のフリードマンに関係するエピソード


科学的発見の論理 上

科学的発見の論理 上