

J.D.H. You see problems in framing economic issues such as the Keynesian–monetarist debate as disputes about the causal role of money. For the most part you have not used the word ‘cause’ in your writings. Yet you have used it on occasion in your ‘popular’ writings. For example your 1963 lectures for the [Indian] Council for Economic Education are entitled Inflation: Causes and Consequences, and chapter 9 in Free to Choose includes a section entitled ‘The Proximate Cause of Inflation’. Does this indicate an essential rift between your ‘scientific’ economics and your ‘popular’ economics?
M.F. It isn’t a rift between my scientific economics and my popular economics. It’s the fact that I’m addressing a different audience. The circumlocutions that may be appropriate for a scientific audience will lose you your popular audience. And in general, you have a different aim in view when you’re writing for a scientific than for a popular audience. For a scientific audience, you are really part of an ongoing process of cumulative knowledge, you hope, in which the other side has built on your work, or will add to it, or will subtract from it, or will test it, and so on. In respect to popular writing, let’s say that one is a wholesale activity and the other is a retail activity, and in popular writing you’re trying to convey certain ideas to people, and you don’t want excessive qualifications to get in the way. I think there are two equal problems in popular writing. One is oversimplification and the other is overcomplexity. You’ve got to somehow steer between those. I think people who say things that are wrong on the grounds that they can only get a simple idea across, and while this simple idea is wrong fundamentally, it’s the right one for this purpose, are doing a great injustice to themselves and to their audience. People can and will understand a fairly sophisticated argument if it’s presented simply, in clear language. And I think that the whole trick in popular writing is to try to find the proper balance between them. And I’m sure that explains why I use the word cause because it’s a much simpler term than to talk about necessary and sufficient, or about determined by, or dependent on, or approximately dependent on. Now proximate cause is obviously an attempt to have my cake and eat it too.



J.D.H. If avoiding the word ‘cause’ in your scientific writings indicates that the analysis is not causal in its structure, what then takes the place of causality in the structure of the theory? Does this not leave you open to the criticism that monetarism or the quantity theory is based on nothing more than correlation between money and the price level or nominal income?
M.F. No, I don’t think that—I don’t know what it means to say that the analysis is not causal in its structure. I just don’t understand the language. The whole purpose of an analysis is to try to understand real phenomena in such a way that you can predict what’s going to happen. If you want to call it causal—you know it seems to me that’s a purely semantic discussion, and I really find it very hard to get involved in the semantic discussions.
J.D.H. So your avoiding the word cause is really a semantic choice? …
M.F. Absolutely, absolutely.
J.D.H. … and indicates nothing beyond that.
M.F. Nothing.

科学的著作で「原因」という言葉を避けておられるのが、分析の構造が因果関係に関するものではないことの表れだとしますと、理論の構造において因果関係の代わりとなるのは何でしょうか? その場合、マネタリズムや貨幣数量説は、貨幣と物価水準ないし名目所得との相関に基づいているに過ぎない、という批判が当たっていることになるのではないでしょうか?


*1:cf. ここ