バイデンプランを巡る経済学者の論争(cf. ここ)についてノアピニオン氏がブログエントリを書いたところ(邦訳)、クルーグマンがツイッターで以下のように異論を唱えた*1。
So actually I think Noah, unusually, has this mostly wrong. These macro wars are very different from those of 2011; the debates are about numbers, not principles — basically because the big conceptual issues were settled when one side won
This time we really are all Keynesians now — or at any rate nobody is listening to the people who insisted austerity is expansionary, all unemployment is structural, etc. Summers, Blanchard, Yellen and yours truly are working in pretty much the same framework
And that framework is IS-LM-ish macro, where deficit spending is expansionary at a given interest rate. The question is how expansionary. And that's a subject for dispute mainly because we are in uncharted policy territory
My side argues that the multiplier on this big fiscal expansion will be relatively low, because it's not designed as stimulus; that's also what the Fed and private forecasters are in effect saying; and so overheating won't be large
But that view isn't based on deep principles; it's a judgment call. And I can understand where concerns about overheating come from (although puzzled why they don't think the Fed can deal with the issue)
The point though is that as far as how to think about macro, the wars are over: the Keynesians won, and only charlatans, cranks, and WSJ opinion writers (but I repeat myself) are on the other side