という論文にタイラー・コーエンが先週水曜にリンクしている。論文の原題は「The Individual Welfare Costs of Stay-At-Home Policies」で、著者はOla Andersson(ウプサラ大)、Pol Campos-Mercade(コペンハーゲン大)、Fredrik Carlsson(ヨーテボリ大)、Florian Schneider(チューリッヒ大)、Erik Wengström(ルンド大)。
This paper reports the results of a choice experiment designed to estimate the private welfare costs of stay-at-home policies during the COVID-19 pandemic. The study is conducted on a large and representative sample of the Swedish population. The results suggest that the welfare cost of a one-month stay-at-home policy, restricting non-working hours away from home, amounts to 9.1 percent of Sweden's monthly GDP. The cost can be interpreted as 29,600 quality-adjusted life years (QALYs), which roughly corresponds to between 3,700 and 8,000 COVID-19 fatalities. Moreover, we find that stricter and longer lockdowns are disproportionately more costly than more lenient ones. This result indicates that strict stay-at-home policies are likely to be cost-effective only if they slow the spread of the disease much more than more lenient ones.
A one-month stay-at-home policy allowing only eight non-working hours spent away from home each week is about $480 for an average citizen. If universally implemented across Sweden, this amounts to a monthly cost of 3,800 million USD, which corresponds to around 9.1 percent of Sweden’s monthly GDP, or 0.8 percent of the annual GDP.
補遺によれば、スウェーデンの成年人口を790万として計算したとの由。また、1質調整生存年は128,000米ドルとし、COVID-19で死ぬ人の質調整余命(quality-adjusted life expectancy)はこちらの英国についての推計から3.7~8.08という数字を用いたとのことである。
*1:cf. 質調整生存年 - Wikipedia。