というECBの小論をMostly Economicsが紹介している。原題は「Is the PMI a reliable indicator for nowcasting euro area real GDP?」で、著者はGabe de BondtとLorena Saiz。
The euro area composite output Purchasing Managers' Index (PMI) tends to be strongly correlated with real GDP growth (Chart A). The composite output PMI is a diffusion index, which measures the sum of the percentage of month-on-month “higher” output responses and half the percentage of “no output change” responses. The PMI survey output question asks about the actual unit volume of output this month compared to the previous month. It indicates the degree to which output changes are diffused throughout the panel of respondents and has a no-change benchmark of 50. A simple PMI-based rule of thumb, hereafter referred to as the PMI-based tracker rule, calculates euro area quarterly real GDP growth as 10% of the quarterly average level of the composite output PMI from which a value of 50 is subtracted. This rule-of-thumb exhibited a good nowcasting performance during the pre-coronavirus (COVID-19) period. However, since the composite output PMI is a diffusion index, it provides information on the extensive margin of change (the number of firms that reported a change in output) but not on the intensive margin of change (the amount by which output changed). It implies that in periods of extreme volatility in output, such as during the COVID-19 pandemic, the level of the composite output PMI might become less informative. Another limitation of the composite output PMI is the incomplete sector coverage; the index is a weighted average of the services business activity PMI and the manufacturing output PMI, while other important sectors such as retail, construction and government are missing. Moreover, the euro area composite output is based solely on the four largest euro area countries and Ireland.
Chart A
Euro area composite output PMI and real GDP growth
(left axis: quarterly percentage changes, right axis: diffusion index)
Sources: Eurostat, S&P Global and ECB calculations.
Notes: The two y-axis scales reflect the PMI-based tracker rule, which is calculated as 10% of the quarterly average of the composite output PMI minus 50.
Information derived from composite and sectoral PMIs plays an important role for the mechanical short-term GDP forecasting tools used by ECB and Eurosystem staff. The ECB short-term mechanical forecasting models include basic linear regressions, which directly link quarterly averages of monthly PMI data with real GDP. These regressions are known as bridge equations because GDP predictors bridge the gap between earlier available higher frequency data, such as industrial production, and quarterly GDP. The GDP predictors are, in turn, forecast with satellite models using sectoral PMIs, among other monthly indicators. Overall, compared with other indicators, PMIs tend to have a relatively high weight in the forecasting models due to their timeliness.
Chart B
Forecast accuracy of the ECB’s PMI-based short-term forecasting tool
(in percentage points)
Sources: ECB calculations.
Notes: The chart shows the root mean squared forecast error (RMSFE) and the bias, which is defined as the average difference between the forecast and the outcome. The forecasts use real-time data and are made two weeks before the official flash estimate of GDP is released by Eurostat and are evaluated against it.
Chart C
Root mean squared forecast errors in nowcasting euro area real GDP growth based on the latest GDP vintage
(in percentage points)
Sources: ECB, S&P Global and ECB staff calculations.
Notes: The numbers “3”, “2” and “1” represent the number of months before the release of the first GDP estimate. The real-time nowcast from the ECB/Eurosystem staff macroeconomic projections is available around two months before the first GDP estimate. The forecast errors are calculated using the latest available GDP vintage (19 January 2024) as a target. 2023 is based on the first three quarters of 2023 only because the first GDP vintage for the fourth quarter of 2023 was released after the cut-off date of this Bulletin.