
というNBER論文が上がっている。原題は「The Macroeconomics of Testing and Quarantining」で、著者はMartin S. Eichenbaum(ノースウエスタン大)、Sergio Rebelo(同)、Mathias Trabandt(ベルリン自由大)。

Epidemiology models used in macroeconomics generally assume that people know their current health status. In this paper, we consider a more realistic environment in which people are uncertain about their health status. We use our model to study the impact of testing with and without quarantining infected people. We find that testing without quarantines can worsen the economic and health repercussions of an epidemic. In contrast, a policy that uses tests to quarantine infected people has very large social benefits. Critically, this policy ameliorates the sharp tradeoff between declines in economic activity and health outcomes that is associated with broad-based containment policies like lockdowns. This amelioration is particularly dramatic when people who recover from an infection acquire only temporary immunity to the virus.


Our model allows us to study the impact of testing with and without quarantines. We show that testing without quarantines can worsen the economic and health repercussions of an epidemic. The reason for this seemingly paradoxical result is as follows. People who are unsure about their health status are likely to reduce their economic activity to lower the risk of becoming infected. But if they get tested and find they are infected, they will reduce their economic activity by less. The reason is simple-they can't be hurt by further exposure to the virus. With more infected people shopping and working, social interactions become more risky for non-infected people who respond by cutting back on their economic activity. In our model, the net result is a deeper recession and more deaths.