
HealthとWealthの語呂合わせをタイトルにしたコロナ関連論文がもう一つあったので、序でに紹介しておく。以下はNBERに上がっていたZhixian Lin、Christopher M. Meissner(いずれもUCデービス)の「Health vs. Wealth? Public Health Policies and the Economy During Covid-19」の要旨。

We study the impact of non-pharmaceutical policy interventions (NPIs) like “stay-at-home” orders on the spread of infectious disease. NPIs are associated with slower growth of Covid-19 cases. NPIs “spillover” into other jurisdictions. NPIs are not associated with significantly worse economic outcomes measured by job losses. Job losses have been no higher in US states that implemented “stay-at-home” during the Covid-19 pandemic than in states that did not have “stay-at-home”. All of these results demonstrate that the Covid-19 pandemic is a common economic and public health shock. The tradeoff between the economy and public health today depends strongly on what is happening elsewhere. This underscores the importance of coordinated economic and public health responses.