
Nick Roweが、中銀は景気が落ち込むと金利を一時的に自然利子率以下に引き下げるが、景気が回復すれば金利を正常化する、という考え方に異を唱えている

Here's an alternative way of viewing the world: something (the financial crisis) happened that caused the natural rate to fall suddenly. The recession happened because the natural rate fell more quickly than the Bank of Canada cut the actual rate, so the actual rate was above the natural rate. Now that the economy has recovered from the recession, with the output gap roughly zero, and inflation roughly at target, this means that the actual rate of interest is roughly equal to the natural rate of interest. Normalisation of interest rates has already (roughly) happened. The new normal is not the same as the old normal. And what is normal next year, and the year after, will probably be different again.
If the natural rate of interest really were a constant that never changed over time, or always changed slowly and predictably, it would make sense to talk about "normalisation" of interest rates. But then recessions would only happen if central banks suddenly decided to raise interest rates above the unchanged natural rate.
If we had some sort of crystal ball, however imperfect, that could tell us what the natural rate was, it might make sense to talk about "normalisation" of interest rates. But we don't. We can only look at output and inflation to try to surmise where the natural rate is. If the output gap is zero, and if inflation is on target and looks like staying there, we can only surmise that the natural rate must be whatever the actual rate currently is.
If you think that the rest of the economy is normalised, so it is time to normalise interest rates too, you are wrong. If the rest of the economy is normalised, then interest rates must already be normalised.